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发布时间:2023-11-02 20:05:12

[填空题]I really appreciate your (offer) ______ to help me with my study.

更多"I really appreciate your (offer) __"的相关试题:

[填空题]I really appreciate your (offer) ______ to help me with my study.
[填空题]I really appreciate your (offer) __________ to help me with my study.

W: Hey, I hear that your boss really appreciate your work. He will probably give you longer vacation.
M: But I would rather get more work to do so that I can get enough bucks to support my four children to go to college.

What does the man want()。
A. He wants to get longer vacation.
B. He wants to earn more money.
C. He wants to get fair treatment.
D. He wants to go to college.
[填空题]A: Excuse me, but could you help me B: With pleasure.____________
[单项选择]Mike, can you help me ()
A. This way, please.
B. Here you are.
C. Thanks a lot.
D. Sure, no problem.
[单项选择]The World’s Wildlife Needs Your Help
The Halberg Trust is offering $500,000 towards any charity or other organization involved in wildlife (144) . If you or your organization are planning to help endangered species, then you should consider applying for funding.
All applications should be made to The Halberg Trust by April 4, 2011. All the necessary documentation must include a detailed description of who you and your organization are, what you plan to do, and why the work is important. Moreover, do not forget (145) a detailed outline of the anticipated costs associated with your project.
Members of The Halberg Trust Board will meet in mid-April to assess the applications. Successful applicants will be informed by mail, and then the grants will be (146) .
The Halberg Trust

A. detection
B. collection
C. inspection
D. protection

M: Excuse me. Could you help me
W: What’s the matter
M: I need a photograph, but I can’t read English very well. How do I get a photo from this machine
W: Oh, I see. Well, do you want color or black and white
M: Color.
W: Right. So that’s this booth. First of all, select your background.
M: Could you say that again please
W: "Select." That means "choose" the curtain behind you. You see. Which color do you want
M: Blue.
W: Adjust. Oh, move the stool to the correct height like this. Do you want one large or four small photos
M: Four small.
W: So turn the dial to the four photos.
M: Dial
W: Yes. That’s the thing you turn. Yes, that’s it. Right. Sit down and put your money in. Have you got a pound
M: Yes, two fifty pieces.
W: Don’t put them in. It only takes pound coins.
M: Oh. Have you got one Could I


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