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发布时间:2023-12-23 07:08:31

[填空题]A: Excuse me, but could you help me B: With pleasure.____________

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M: Excuse me, Could you help me
W: What’s the matter
M: I need a photograph, But I can’t read English very well. How do I get a photo from this machine
W: Oh, I see. Well, do you want color or black and white
M: Color.
W: Right. So that’s this booth. First of all select your background.
M: Could you say that again please
W: "Select". That means "choose" the curtain behind you. You see. Which color do you want
M: Blue.
W: Adjust. Oh, move the stool to the correct height like this. Do you want one large or four small photos
M: Four small.
W: So turn the dial to the four photos.
M: Dial
W: Yes. That’s the thing you turn. Yes, that’s it. Right. Sit down and put your money in. Have you got a pound
M: Yes. Two fifty pieces.
W: Don’t put them in. It only takes pound coins.
M: Oh. Have you got one Could I h


M: Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the Bank of China
W: It’s very close. You walk straight for about 100 meters. Then you will see it in front of you.

How far is the bank ()
A. About 100 meters.
B. About 300 meters.
C. About 200 meters.
D. About 400 meters.

M: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the zoo
W: There is a zoo around here

What does the woman mean()
A. The zoo is nearby.
B. There is a zoo around here.
C. She doesn’t hear the question.
D. She doesn’t know about the zoo.
[单项选择]Woman: Excuse me; could you bring me a glass of water, please
Man: Sorry, but I’m not a waiter.
Question: What does the man mean
A. He wants a glass of water.
B. He won’t do as the woman asks.
C. He can’t wait any longer.
D. He’s looking for the waiter.

M: Excuse me, could you tell me the nearest way to the railway station
W: Sorry, I’m a stranger here. There’s a policeman over there. Why don’t you ask him

What do you learn about this woman from the conversation()
A. She thinks that the man is a stranger.
B. She wants the policeman to speak to her.
C. She doesn’t know how to get to the railway station.
D. She doesn’t know how to tell the way to the man.


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