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发布时间:2023-12-23 23:38:24


Something extraordinary is happening in London this week: in Lambeth, one of the city’s poorest boroughs(区), 180 children are starting their secondary education in a brand new school. The state- funded school was set up by parents who were fed up with the quality of local education. In countries with more enlightened education systems, this would be unremarkable. In Britain, it is an amazing achievement by a bunch of desperate and determined people after years of struggle.
Britain’s schools are in a mess. Average standards are not improving despite billions in extra spending, and a stubbornly long tail of underachievers straggles(拖后腿) behind. A couple of years ago, a consensus emerged among reformers that councils had too much control and parents too little.
One might have expected more from the Conservatives, who stood for election on a pledge to bring in school vouchers. Yet the Tory policy group charged with thinking deep thoughts about public servi
A. the proposals mentioned in the above paragraph are really radical.
B. the education model the Netherlands and Sweden adopt are effective.
C. the solutions of education problems involve a technique innovation.
D. more Swedish children are educated in private schools than children in the Netherlands.

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Something extraordinary is happening in London this week: in Lambeth, one of the city’s poorest boroughs(区), 180 children are starting their secondary education in a brand new school. The state- funded school was set up by parents who were fed up with the quality of local education. In countries with more enlightened education systems, this would be unremarkable. In Britain, it is an amazing achievement by a bunch of desperate and determined people after years of struggle.
Britain’s schools are in a mess. Average standards are not improving despite billions in extra spending, and a stubbornly long tail of underachievers straggles(拖后腿) behind. A couple of years ago, a consensus emerged among reformers that councils had too much control and parents too little.
One might have expected more from the Conservatives, who stood for election on a pledge to bring in school vouchers. Yet the Tory policy group charged with thinking deep thoughts about public servi
A. The new school in Lambeth is financed by parents not satisfied with the local education.
B. Reformers recently agreed that parents had less control over British schools than the councils.
C. The establishment of this school is more remarkable in Britain than in some other countries.
D. British schools have managed to use a large sum to ameliorate the level of education.

[填空题]There was something disastrous happening on an evening of mid-July in 1944: two ships, fully loaded with ammunition, were exploded in a Navy base near San Francisco.

Something weird is happening in the once marginal world of environmentalism. The green cause is no longer th9 preserve of woolly-minded liberals and fringe activists. Its tenets are being actively pursued by business leaders, stockholders and investment managers. In the popular mind-set, natural disasters such as New Orleans’ Hurricane Katrina and floods in Eastern Europe are now linked to a change in climate that threatens our way of life and our grand-children’s future.
Environmental concerns have grown so widespread that conservative politicians once skeptical of the green movement have been reacting to the pressure. The most startling turnaround, however, is among business leaders. Corporations are giving themselves green makeovers to improve efficiency, save money and look more attractive to investors and the public. According to a recent report from the Climate Group, an international environmental charity,43 multinationals--including
[单项选择]Something incredible is happening in a lab at Duke University’s Center for Neuroengineering--though, at first, it’s hard to see just what it is. A robot arm swings from side to side, eerily lifelike, as if it were trying to snatch invisible flies out of the air. It pivots around and straightens as it extends its mechanical hand. The hand clamp shuts and squeezes for a few seconds, then relaxes its grip and pulls back to shoot out again in a new direction. OK, nothing particularly astonishing here--robot arms, after all, do everything from building our cars to sequencing our DNA. But those robot arms are operated by software; the arm at Duke follows commands of a different sort. To see where those commands are coming from, you have to follow a tangled trail of cables out of the lab and down the hall to another, smaller room.
Inside this room sits a motionless macaque monkey (短尾猿).
The monkey is strapped in a chair, staring at a computer screen. On the screen a black dot mo
A. industry
B. medical field
C. military
D. daily life


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