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发布时间:2024-08-22 02:48:33

{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}
Desertification (沙漠化) in the dry United States is very serious. Groundwater supplies beneath vast stretches of land are dropping rapidly. Many river systems have dried up. Hundreds of thousands of acres of previously irrigated cropland have been abandoned to wind or weeds. Several million acres of natural grassland are eroded at unnaturally high rates as a result of cultivation or overgrazing (过度放牧). All told, about 225 million acres of land are under severe desertification.
Federal subsidies (补贴) encourage the exploitation of dry land resources. Low-interest loans for irrigation and other water delivery systems encourage farmers and industry to mine groundwater. Federal disaster relief and commodity program encourage dry-land farmers to plow up natural grassland to plant crops such as wheat, especially, cotton. Fede
A. The shrinking of forest coverage.
B. The lack of water supplies.
C. A quickly decreasing production of crops.
D. A large area of cropland changed into grassland.

更多"{{B}}Passage One{{/B}} "的相关试题:

{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}
Desertification (沙漠化) in the dry United States is very serious. Groundwater supplies beneath vast stretches of land are dropping rapidly. Many river systems have dried up. Hundreds of thousands of acres of previously irrigated cropland have been abandoned to wind or weeds. Several million acres of natural grassland are eroded at unnaturally high rates as a result of cultivation or overgrazing (过度放牧). All told, about 225 million acres of land are under severe desertification.
Federal subsidies (补贴) encourage the exploitation of dry land resources. Low-interest loans for irrigation and other water delivery systems encourage farmers and industry to mine groundwater. Federal disaster relief and commodity program encourage dry-land farmers to plow up natural grassland to plant crops such as wheat, especially, cotton. Fede
A. more government money is being used freely to protect lands from desertification
B. the exploitation of the existing dry land is against the market
C. the federal government favors farmers a lot over workers in companies
D. great effort has been made by the government to make use of dry land
{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}

What should one do if he wants to help himself to food on the other side of the table
A. Ask the person sitting close to it to help.
B. Stand up and get it.
C. Sit where one is, but stretch one’s arms for it.
D. Don’t know.
{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}
Terrorism has become so widespread that it is now impossible to dismiss it as the action of a few crazy people. In fact, terrorism--the use of violence by small groups of people to accomplish political alms they feel unable to bring about by peaceful, legitimate means--has sociological roots.
Terrorism most often stems from the situation of people who consider themselves a national group but who feel that no state, no legitimate and widely recognized autonomous government, represents them. Since all the inhabitable territory of the world is divided into states, which are the main organizational units through which people can exercise political power, people without a state to represent them feel completely powerless and cut off from the world order. To have independence--and even a recognized identity--as a people,
A. explore the sociological roots of terrorism and enhance the international cooperation to fight against it
B. defend terrorism as a heroic deeds
C. praise terrorism for its heroic deeds
D. demonstrate the damages done by terrorism
[单项选择]{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}
A. They found ways to speed up the reproduction of bald eagles.
B. They developed new types of feed for baby bald eagles.
C. They explored new ways to hatch baby bald eagles.
D. They brought in bald eagles from Canada.


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