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发布时间:2023-10-05 03:09:40


M:There will be a party of our old classmates this Saturday.Can you come
W:I’d love to, but I have to work at a book store at weekends.

What is the woman going to do this Saturday ()
A. Go to a book store to buy books.
B. Go to the classmates’ party.
C. Go to work in a book store.
D. Do her work at home.

更多"M:There will be a party of our old "的相关试题:

[填空题]Many classmates went to Tom’s birthday party.
→ There were many classmates ______.

[填空题]In Night Watch, the son whose hand the dying old man held tightly was ____.
[填空题]The principal of this school is a (respect)()old man.
[单项选择]There is a party tonight ( ) our new president.
A. in manner of
B. in respect of
C. in honor of
D. in favor of

W: Why are you interested in our company
M: Your company is world famous. So, I think there will be better chances for personal development.
W: You’re right. Do you think you have the qualifications for this job
M: Sure. My qualifications meet your job description.
W: But you have no experience for this job.
M: That’s sure. But I am eager to learn, and also quick at learning.
W: Since you need further training, are you familiar with training salary
M: No. What is the monthly salary
W: 800 Yuan per month.
M: Do you mind if I give an answer tomorrow
W: Not at all.

What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers ()
A. Interviewer and interviewee.
B. Manager and secretary.
C. Employer and employee.
D. Seller and buyer.
[填空题]Last month we bought our two - years - old daughter 76.______
a little dog. There are no many children of her 77.______
age near where we live, and we think a dog would 78.______
make her less alone. We were right. They play 79.______
together happily all day. Our daughter now smile 80.______
and laughs more than she used to. In a way it is 81.______
like having two children at home. All of them are 82.______
very untidy and they cry when they can’t get that 83.______
they want. They are more easier to look after now 84.______
than before. We are living a happiest life. 85.______

[填空题]Our party (compose)()of three grown-ups and four children.


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