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发布时间:2024-07-10 21:14:05

[单项选择]Why is Lifestyle Foods currently doing building work
A. Its factory was damaged in a fire.
B. It is taking action to meet demand.
C. The warehouse is very old-fashioned.

更多"Why is Lifestyle Foods currently do"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Why is Lifestyle Foods currently doing building work
A. Its factory was damaged in a fire.
B. It is taking action to meet demand.
C. The warehouse is very old-fashione
[单项选择]What is Lifestyle Foods doing regarding exports
A. It is not currently very interested in exports.
B. It has just gained its first export contract.
C. It is working hard to increase exports.
Why Would They Falsely Confess

Why on earth would an innocent person falsely confess to committing a crime To most people, it just doesn’t seem logical. But it is logical, say experts, if you understand what can happen in a police interrogation (审讯) room.
Under the right conditions, people’s minds are susceptible (易受影响的) to influence, and the pressure put on suspects during police grillings (盘问) is enormous. (46) "The pressure is important to understand, because otherwise it’s impossible to understand why someone would say he did something he didn’t do. The answer is: to put an end to an uncomfortable situation that will continue until he does confess. "
Developmental psychologist Allison Redlich recently conducted a laboratory study to determine how likely people are to confess to things they didn’t do. (47) The researchers then intentionally crashed the computers and accused the participants of h
[单项选择]Why does the woman give up doing gymnastics
[A] Because she doesn’t like gymnastics now.
[B] Because she was ill.
[C] Because she couldn’t win any international championship now.
[简答题]old building和 modern building old building 现在在中国还多不多,安全否什么的 government office和 museum应不应该作为tourist 参观的地方,why   还有government office应不应该作为一个城市的symbol
[单项选择]What new products is Lifestyle Foods planning
A. different kinds of snacks
B. additional bread-based foods
C. food to go with its breads
[填空题]Many experts who favor genetically modified foods believe that genetic engineering can help to meet the demands of the world’s increasing population.

[单项选择]Passage Three
Few foods are more alluring than chocolate. "Chocolate is a drug of abuse in its own category," jokes Dr. Louis Aronne. "It’s ahnost as if people have chocolate receptors in their brains. "
That may not be too far off the mark. In a recent book called "Breaking the Food Seduction," Dr. Neal Barnard contends that certain foods—including chocolate, cheese, red meat and practically anything combining sugar and fat—are just plain addictive. " It’s not that you lack willpower. These foods stimulate the release of chemicals in the brain’s pleasure center that keep you hooked. "
Besides tapping the brain’s own "feel good" chemicals, Barnard says, some of these foods contain drug-like molecules (分子) of of their own. Cheese delivers casomorphins, the same compounds in a mother’s milk that help an infant bond during nursing, he says
A. Apple.
B. Tomato.
C. Beef.
D. Fish.


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