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发布时间:2023-10-19 17:05:52

[单项选择]Japanese factory workers are guaranteed lifetime jobs, bonuses paid on the basis of productivity and corporate profits, and a wage rate that is not attached to a particular job. Paradoxically, these guarantees do not discourage factory owners from introducing labor-saving machinery. Such innovations are to the factory owners’ advantage despite the fact that the owners must protect the wages of their workers.
Which of the following, if true, logically explains why the introduction of labor-saving machinery is advantageous to factory owners ?()
A. Before a Japanese factory worker is hired, he or she must present a record of his or her previous productivity.
B. Labor-saving machinery increases productivity, thus yielding profits that more than cover the cost of retraining workers for other jobs.
C. The purchase and maintenance of new machinery adds significantly to the final cost of the goods produced.
D. Factory workers demand a change of procedure in the routine tasks they perform.
E. Limited competition exists among Japanese factories for consumer markets.

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[单项选择]Factory workers {{U}}had to{{/U}} work {{U}}very hard{{/U}} before, {{U}}so{{/U}} {{U}}had farmers.{{/U}}
A. had to
B. very hard
C. so
D. had farmers
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[填空题]All the workers in the factory are very (skill) ______ in doing their jobs.
[填空题]All the workers in the factory _____ protective hats.
[填空题]All the workers in the factory are very (skill)()in doing their jobs.
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Impatience charaterizes young intellectual workers. They want to make their mark {{U}} (31) {{/U}} So it’s important to get {{U}} (32) {{/U}} to them in a challenging manner the idea {{U}} (33) {{/U}} big achievements rarely come easily and quickly. Point out that the little successes are essential. Show that they {{U}} (34) {{/U}} turn become the foundation on {{U}} (35) {{/U}} reputations are built and from which more important tasks can be accomplished.
A variety of job assignments, including job or project rotation, also keep a job {{U}} (36) {{/U}} becoming dull. Whereas it’s natural for some individuals to want to move ahead immediately to more difficult assignments, {{U}} (37) {{/U}} proper guidance they can continue to learn and to gain versatility by working on a number of jobs that are essentially {{U}} (38) {{/U}} the same complexity. This way they gain breadth, if not depth.
Probably the greatest offense to guard


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