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发布时间:2023-11-07 07:49:08

[单项选择]According to the passage, which of the following findings confirms the author’s conclusions concerning disease morbidity rates associated with pollutants
A. Certain organs are more reponsive than others to the hormones created by environmental pollutants.
B. The incidence of breast cancer correlates with the presence of environmental pollutants.
C. A great deal of evidence has been amassed linking environmental pollutants with cancer in animals.
D. Cancer diagnosis has become more reliable than it once was.
E. Cancer of the liver, an organ that is hormonally responsive to environmental pollutants, is rising globally.

更多"According to the passage, which of "的相关试题:

[单项选择]According to the following passage, which of the following statements is true of international comparisons of overall fat intake
A. They provide a reasonable indicator of the health benefits of polyunsaturated fats.
B. They tend to conflate too many factors to provide an effective argument against reducing overall fat intake.
C. They are rife with subtleties too complex for most nutritionists to be able to understand properly.
D. They correctly tend to indicate the necessity for reducing overall fat intake reduction in affluent societies.
E. They tend to lend too much attention to non-dietary causes of coronary heart disease.
· Read the following passage, which is an advert for a new orange juice maker.
· Are the sentences 16- 22 "Right" or "Wrong" If there isn’t enough information to answer "Right" or "Wrong.", choose "Doesn’t say".
· For each sentence, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.
Good news has finally arrived for all those people out there conscious of their health, and with a firm belief that their body is a temple. Scientific advancement in the field of juice makers has finally reached its height with the new Juice-Juju.
The Juice-Juju is different from other orange juice makers as it uses every part of the orange itself. Yes, that’s right -- even the peel, creating a delicious and healthy drink which can be enjoyed either as part of a physical exercise plan
[单项选择]According to the passage, which of the following statements about temperature gradients is true
A. These temperature gradients tend in most cases to be impossible to describe mathematically.
B. The lower the contrast between the extremes of the gradient, the lower the resulting velocity of the jet stream.
C. Jet streams are responsible for most of the north-south transfer of heat between the equator and the poles.
D. The temperature gradient tends, on a non-negligible level, to augment the effects of the earth’s rotation.
E. The gradient typically refers to differences in jet stream velocity at various longitudinal positions around the globe.
[单项选择]According to the passage, which of the following cases of perception would a synesthete be most unlikely to have
A. The musical note F, when heard by the synesthete, appears as a reddish shade of rust.
B. The synesthete occasionally tastes the numeral "3" as sour, and occasionally as sweet.
C. The word "mellifluous", when heard by the synesthete, triggers neither auditory or chromatic associations.
D. The number 3, when the synesthete imagines it, sounds like a bell in his imagination.
E. Without exception, the synesthete experiences an acidic taste when he sees a circle.
[单项选择]According to the passage, which of the following is the most severely criticized function of the mass media
A. The function to influence.
B. The watchdog function.
C. The function to advertise.
D. The function to inform.


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