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发布时间:2023-10-18 00:52:10

[单项选择]A. He can study there if he is writing a research paper.
B. It’s open only to faculty members and postgraduates.
C. He needs the approval of his professor for the use of it.
D. Senior students can enjoy more fights than other undergraduates.

更多"A. He can study there if he is writ"的相关试题:

[单项选择]He would have finished his university study but he ( ) to quit and find a job to support his family.
A. had had
B. has
C. had
D. would have
If one of your research staff announced that he had worked out a way to propel a vehicle on a cushion of air, would you tell him to concentrate on something practical, or suggest taking it further If a member of your development team asked if she could come in late because she had her best ideas at 3 am would you insist that she is in the office at 9 am like everyone else
Current business wisdom is that companies need creative, innovative people to beat competitors. The reality is that companies have always needed new ideas to survive and progress, but in the past they weren’t particularly good at encouraging the people who produced them.
Original thinkers don’t always fit easily into the framework of an organisation. However, the advice from managing director, John Serrano is "Get rid of the dull people and encourage the unusual ones". Ess
A. (A) this allows it to promote innovative products
B. (B) this enables it to stay ahead of its rivals
C. (C) they are very flexible about their working hours
D. (D) their talents are ideally suited to the market
[填空题]There are numerous research methods you can use to locate information. As a{{U}} (36) {{/U}}, you can choose the method or methods that{{U}} (37) {{/U}}in your finding the most information. Your{{U}} (38) {{/U}}in using these methods improves with{{U}} (39) {{/U}}, just as cooking improves with each dish. {{U}} (40) {{/U}}interviews is one of the ways to acquire information. Deciding who to interview is your first step. You often find{{U}} (41) {{/U}}interviewees through library research or by talking with others. Once you decide who to interview, you{{U}} (42) {{/U}}the interview. You can conduct interviews in person, by phone, or even by mail. Your most important{{U}} (43) {{/U}}is to be prepared for the interview.{{U}} (44) {{/U}}. Asking questions becomes easier if you take a reporter’s perspective. Asking who, where, when, what, how and why helps you explore all areas of a topic. Most people enjoy talking about subjects that interest them and sharing thei
[单项选择]How many languages can he speak
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
[填空题]How to Write a General Research Paper
Writing a research paper is complex, however, the following tips
can save a student hours of unnecessary work.
Ⅰ. What is a research paper
A. Research papers place an emphasis on the development of a
student’s critical thinking and writing skills.
B. A successful paper is logically organized, fully (1) , and (1)______
free of error.
C. Types of research papers:
—Be argumentative in nature: the student may (2) on an (2)______
issue and then research others, and will learn how to
anticipate the objections of others and make (3) (3)______
—Deal with a particular problem: the student will state the
problem and write about its relevance to the field.
—Be a (4) :an instructor may give a student a topic and


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