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发布时间:2024-07-31 05:56:40


M: There’s no room for this bookcase. Shall we put it upstairs
W: Just put it here and we’ll move it in later.

What are the speakers doing()
A. Moving the bookcase upstairs.
B. Rearranging their furniture.
C. Cleaning the room.
D. Putting away the books.

更多"[听力原文] M: There’s no room f"的相关试题:


M: There’s no room for this bookcase. Shall we put it upstairs
W: Just put it here and we’ll move it in later.

What are the speakers doing()
A. Moving the bookcase upstairs.
B. Rearranging their furniture.
C. Cleaning the room.
D. Putting away the books.

M: Hello, Mary. Do you feel like going to a movie with me this evening
W: Thanks, I’d love to. I have not been to a movie for ages.

What are the two speakers going to do this evening ()
A. To see a play.
B. To see a movie.
C. To see a friend.

M: What’s the matter, Bill
M: These letters are full of mistakes! Those typists at the office never do anything right.

What’ s the man really complaining about ()
A. The letters.
B. The typists.
C. The woman.
D. The office.

M: I’m looking for the Man, s Clothes Department.
W: Ah, yes, sir. It’s on the fourth floor. The lift’s over there.

Where is the Man’s department ()
A. Over there.
B. On the fourth floor.
C. On the fifth floor.
D. On the first floor.

Conversation 2
M: (8) Hamilton Police Station. Can I help you
W: Yes. It’s about my daughter, Kathy. (9)She went to school this morning but hasn’t been bask yet and it’s 5:30 now.
M: Just a moment, Mrs...
W: Mrs. Strong, Kate Strong, 203 ChurchStreet.
M: Thank you. Now Mrs. Strong, what exactly is the matter
W: Well, Kathy left home at 8:30 this morning, but just now her teacher phoned me and asked why Kathy didn’t go to school.
M: Perhaps she went to a friend’s home. Have you asked your neighbors
W: Yes, I’ve called all the neighbors and their children were all back home.
M: I see. Now, let’s have some details. How old is Kathy
W: She’s 7 years old.
M: And what’s she wearing
W: (10) A brown coat, black shoes, and a yellow skirt. Yes, that’s right.
M: We’ll do our best to find her, Mrs. Strong.
A. At Kathy’s school.
B. In the police station.
C. At Mrs. Strong’s home.
D. On the phone.


M: Where are you going on vacation this summer
W: I’ve heard about a nice place called Swiss Chalet. It’s $18 a day or $115 a week.

How much would it cost to stay at the Swiss Chalet for a week()
A. $ 100
B. $ 126.
C. $150.
D. $ 115.

M: I’m not feeling well.
W: You shouldn’t have eaten so much before sleeping.

Why isn’t the man feeling well ()
A. Because he is so tired.
B. Because he works late at night.
C. Because he has eaten so much at night.
D. Because he sleeps late at night.

M: Our team won yesterday’s football game.
W: Oh, you’re excited, are you

What does the woman mean()
A. The team played football yesterday.
B. The team had better play once again.
C. The man was excited.
D. The man’s team is improving.

M: Does John know the class is having a surprise party for him when he turns 21 this week
W: No. He thinks we are giving a retirement party for the dean. We’ve hidden the presents for him.

What are the man and woman planning()
A. A retirement party.
B. A faculty reception.
C. A class reunion.
D. A birthday party.

M: I attended the children’s concert yesterday, and I got quite a kick out of it.
W: Did you really I’m fed up with children’s performances.

Who do you think likes the children’s concert()
A. The man.
B. The woman.
C. Both of them.
D. Neither of them.

M: Let’s see if the basketball game has started yet.
W: Started It must be clear who is winning by now.

What does the woman mean ()
A. She is sure who is going to win.
B. Now it is a good time to start the game.
C. The game has been going on for a long time.
D. The same team always wins.

Conversation 1
M: Look, it’s full of traffic here. (6)Is this the shopping district
W: Yes, it is, There are a lot of stores, restaurants, and theaters near here.
M: What is the largest building on the left
W: That’s Honor Department Store. They sell clothing. furniture. food—almost everything.
M: Do you like purchasing everything in the supermarket (7)It’s very convenient and saves a lot of time. Now I just want to buy some clothes there.
W: Wait a minute please. I’d like to recommend some better stores for man’s clothes. Look, there, next to the bank, is a man’s clothing store building. And there are also some good stores on Park Street.
M: Are they far from here
W: No, it’s just three blocks straight ahead.
M: Ok. maybe I can shop around by myself. Thanks a lot for your help.
W: That’s my pleasure. Go ahead.

What about
A. Dislike it.
B. Like it.
C. Hate it.
D. We don’t know.


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