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发布时间:2024-03-20 04:45:36


M: I’m looking for the Man, s Clothes Department.
W: Ah, yes, sir. It’s on the fourth floor. The lift’s over there.

Where is the Man’s department ()
A. Over there.
B. On the fourth floor.
C. On the fifth floor.
D. On the first floor.

更多"[听力原文] M: I’m looking for t"的相关试题:


Woman: Are you looking forward to going home
Man: Not exactly. The climate here really agrees with me.

Why isn’t the man happy ()
A. He wanted to look around before going home.
B. He wants to stay where he is.
C. He thought the climate would improve.
D. He doesn’t think the woman agrees with him.

Man: Can I take the dictionary out of the room
Woman: I’m sorry. You’ re not allowed to do that. But you can use it in the reading room.

Where does the conversation most probably take place ()
A. In the library.
B. In the bookstore.
C. In a teacher’s office.
D. In a classroom.

Man: Where shall we go
Woman: Since there isn’t any homework for today, let’s go to the movies instead of going home.

What are they going to do ()
A. Go home.
B. Do the homework.
C. Go to movie.
D. Leave home.

Conversation 1
[听力原文] 6-7
Man: Would yon like a cup of coffee
Woman: Yes. That would be good.
Man: Cream and sugar
Woman: Please.
Man: Oh. no.
Woman: What’s the matter
Man: This machine is out of order.
Woman: Did you lose your money
Man: I sure did.
Woman: You ought to complain. These machines are always out of order.
Man: Well. I still want a cup of coffee, don’t you
Woman: Let’s go to the restaurant at the Student Center.
Man: I don’t know. The last time I was there it was so crowded that I had to wait in line for almost an hour.
Woman: Really Let’s go somewhere else then. I can’t be too long because I have a test at thee o’clock.
Man: Okay. let’s go to the library. There’s another vending machine downstairs by the telephones.

Why did the couple decide to go to the library ()
A. To study for a test.
B. To use the telephone.
C. To complain about the vending machine.
D. To get a cup of coffee from the vending machine.

W: I’m looking forward to relaxing myself this coming weekend.
M: I hope that I can finally find some free time too. I’ve been so busy at work recently.

What are they talking about ()
A. They are talking about relaxing themselves.
B. They are talking about the plans for the coming weekend.
C. They are talking about the problems they met in their work.
D. They are talking about how they usually spend their free time.

M: The man at the gate thinks that I take good care of my car.
W: Why does he think that
M: He couldn’t see any dirty spots on the outside and the inside is clean, too.

What do you learn about the man ()
A. He keeps his car in good condition.
B. He has an accident.
C. He is careless with his car.
D. He likes old cars.

M:l was looking for a job,but what should l do
W:Why not have a look at the advertisement

What does the woman mean ()
A. She suggests the man should not look at the advertisement.
B. She suggests nothing new.
C. She suggests the man should look at the advertisement.
D. She means that the advertisements are useless.

[听力原文] 11-15
A young man hurried into his town library. He went up to one of the old librarians and said to her eagerly. "Do you remember that you persuaded me to borrow a book about Greek history a week ago"
"Yes, that’s right. "Answered the librarian.
"Do you remember the name of the book" the young man asked. The librarian felt very proud, because she was always trying to get young people to take out books about Greek history, and she rarely found one who was willing to accept her suggestions.
"Yes, "she answered. "" Do you want to take it out again Did you think it was so interesting" "No, of course not. "Said the young man," but when I was taking it home, I met a girl on the bus, and I wrote her telephone number in the book. I want to telephone her, so please may I look at the book again"

What book did he borrow from the old librarian ()

All mammals, except man and the monkey, swim naturally from birth. For man, like the monkey, it is not instructive to float. Deaths by drowning are common every where. In the United States alone, about 7,000 children under four drown each year.
Everything possible is done to prevent such tragedies. One solution’ s particularly effective--teaching children to swim while they are still babies. Most large towns in Florida and California already run lessons for babies and infants. The idea has spread to Europe where, in several countries, special courses are now arranged for children from seven to twenty - four months.
The first step is to eliminate the child’ s fear of the water. Next, he’s taught to float. Once he can do this naturally and without fear, the child grasps the technique and can push forward himself through the water.

Where’s the idea spread to
The idea has spread to()


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