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发布时间:2024-01-11 23:56:44


Long ago people used bells more than they do today. The postman would ring a hand bell (摇响手玲) when he sent the letters. People who sold things came past houses, ringing a bell and shouting (叫喊) what they sold.
The countryside had its church (教堂) bell to let people know it was time to go to church. At night, this bell rang so that travelers would find the place in the dark.
In most countries, bells were put around the necks of animals. The bells helped owners to find their lost cows or goats (牛羊).
Now bells are not used as often as before. But people still try to keep the old bells in schools and churches so they will not lose their beautiful sounds.
In the past, people used bells when they sent letters or sold things.
[A] True
[B] False

更多"C 根据下面短文回答下列问题。 Long ago people u"的相关试题:


Long ago people used bells more than they do today. The postman would ring a hand bell (摇响手玲) when he sent the letters. People who sold things came past houses, ringing a bell and shouting (叫喊) what they sold.
The countryside had its church (教堂) bell to let people know it was time to go to church. At night, this bell rang so that travelers would find the place in the dark.
In most countries, bells were put around the necks of animals. The bells helped owners to find their lost cows or goats (牛羊).
Now bells are not used as often as before. But people still try to keep the old bells in schools and churches so they will not lose their beautiful sounds.
Bells can be put around the necks of different people.
[A] True
[B] False
Long, long ago people thought the sun went around the earth. In some countries, people said that sun was a god(神). They thought that he drove across the sky each day on a golden horse.
But now we know the earth goes around the sun. Today men know how far it is for the earth to go around the sun. They tell us that the earth travels over 1,000 miles a minute on its way around the sun.
The sun is really a star. It is much bigger than the earth and it is very hot. Some people have been to the moon, but we know that no one can ever get to the sun. It is too hot for people to live anywhere near it. The sun is 300,000 times heavier than the earth and more than a million(百万) times larger.
In some countries, people ______ the sun to be a god, riding a golden horse.
A. took
B. gave
C. thought

Long, long ago there Were many animals living in the forest (森林). One day there came a fairy (仙女). She asked the monkey, "Do you want me to make you look beautiful No, no. I’m already a good-looking monkey," answered the monkey.
The fairy then turned to the horse, "Your face is too long. Do you want me to help you" Again the horse said, "No."
Then a peacock came to the fairy and asked, "Can you make my tail (尾巴) longer and more beautiful Yes, of course," the fairy answered. With her magic stick (魔杖), the fairy helped the peacock grow a beautiful tail. The peacock was very happy.
The monkey and the horse were unhappy because they felt sorry that they turned down the fairy’s offer (提议).
The money thought he was good-looking enough.
[A] True
[B] False

Long long ago, there was an old farmer who had seven children. When he thought that he was about to die, he let them come to his bed. He told the servant to bring in a bundle (一捆) of seven sticks (棍子) tied together (栓在一起). Giving the bundle to his oldest child, the father said to him, "Now break the bundle."
The son tried with all his strength, but he could not break the bundle. One by one, the other children tried. But not one of them was strong enough to break it.
The father smiled, "Now my children, untie the bundle. Each of you takes a stick and tries to break it." This time they had no difficulty doing it as their father told them. In a minute, all the sticks were broken.
The seven children then understood what their father wanted to tell them.
Before his death, the farmer gave each of his sons a bundle of sticks.
[A] True
[B] False


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