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发布时间:2023-11-06 04:28:36


Long, long ago there Were many animals living in the forest (森林). One day there came a fairy (仙女). She asked the monkey, "Do you want me to make you look beautiful No, no. I’m already a good-looking monkey," answered the monkey.
The fairy then turned to the horse, "Your face is too long. Do you want me to help you" Again the horse said, "No."
Then a peacock came to the fairy and asked, "Can you make my tail (尾巴) longer and more beautiful Yes, of course," the fairy answered. With her magic stick (魔杖), the fairy helped the peacock grow a beautiful tail. The peacock was very happy.
The monkey and the horse were unhappy because they felt sorry that they turned down the fairy’s offer (提议).
The money thought he was good-looking enough.
[A] True
[B] False

更多"C 根据下面短文回答下列问题。 Long, long ago th"的相关试题:


Long, long ago there Were many animals living in the forest (森林). One day there came a fairy (仙女). She asked the monkey, "Do you want me to make you look beautiful No, no. I’m already a good-looking monkey," answered the monkey.
The fairy then turned to the horse, "Your face is too long. Do you want me to help you" Again the horse said, "No."
Then a peacock came to the fairy and asked, "Can you make my tail (尾巴) longer and more beautiful Yes, of course," the fairy answered. With her magic stick (魔杖), the fairy helped the peacock grow a beautiful tail. The peacock was very happy.
The monkey and the horse were unhappy because they felt sorry that they turned down the fairy’s offer (提议).
The horse wanted to get the fairy’s help.
[A] True
[B] False

Many years ago, there was a family named Franklin. They lived in Boston. There were five girls and six boys in the family. On a January day in 1706 another baby boy was born. The boy’s mother and father gave the boy a name — Benjamin.
Benjamin was the brightest (最聪明) of all the children. He could read when he was five and he could write by the time he was seven. When he was eight, he was sent to school.
In school, Benjamin had been good at reading and writing but not good at maths.
He read all of his father’s books. And whenever he had a little money, he spent it on a book. He liked books. They told him how to do something. At that time he invented (发明) the paddles for swimming.
Benjamin was born in the first month of the year 1706.
[A] True
[B] False
Many American families live busy lives. Every week, the children have sports, music lessons, club meetings, and many other activities, including(包括)hours of homework. The parents are busy, too. They work, take care of their homes, cook meals, and drive their children to activities. Some families do not have time to eat meals together more than once a week. One American community(社区)decided that it was time to take a break.
After seven months of planning, the community of Ridgewood, New Jersey, took one night off. They called it "Family Night", a night for families to spend time together. Sports teams stopped their practices, and teachers did not give homework.
On Family Night, families agreed to turn off their televisions. They also decided not to answer the telephone. Answering machines said, "Please call back tomorrow." Many families ordered take-out pizza and other take-out food so that they wouldn’t spend time cooking.
A. have no homework
B. spend several hours doing their homework every day
C. spend several hours doing their homework every week


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