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发布时间:2024-07-28 02:46:32

[单项选择]Salt is a principal wicked substance. Salt, sodium chloride (氯化钠), 40 percent of which is sodium (钠), is an element essential to human body. But sodium also boosts blood pressure. It makes the body retain fluids; greater fluid retention increases total blood volume, and this increase raises blood pressure. Where salt is used freely, a large proportion of the population develops chronic high blood pressure, which is a primary factor in heart disease and stroke. Farmers in northern Japan traditionally preserve their food with salt. They consume as much as six teaspoons a day-and 40 percent of them have high blood pressure. Among the Eskimos. of Greenland, however, who consume little salt, high blood pressure is almost unheard of.
The body of an adult needs only about 200 milligrams of sodium a day -- the amount in 500 milligrams, or 1/10 of teaspoon, of salt. But the average American consumes about 12,000 milligrams, or more than two teaspoons, of salt a day -- which supplies 24 t
A. The difference between sodium chloride and potassium chloride.
B. The function of slat in daily life.
C. A comparative study of slat consumption habits in some countries.
D. The relationship between salt consumption and high blood pressure.

更多"Salt is a principal wicked substanc"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Salt is a principal wicked substance. Salt, sodium chloride (氯化钠), 40 percent of which is sodium (钠), is an element essential to human body. But sodium also boosts blood pressure. It makes the body retain fluids; greater fluid retention increases total blood volume, and this increase raises blood pressure. Where salt is used freely, a large proportion of the population develops chronic high blood pressure, which is a primary factor in heart disease and stroke. Farmers in northern Japan traditionally preserve their food with salt. They consume as much as six teaspoons a day-and 40 percent of them have high blood pressure. Among the Eskimos. of Greenland, however, who consume little salt, high blood pressure is almost unheard of.
The body of an adult needs only about 200 milligrams of sodium a day -- the amount in 500 milligrams, or 1/10 of teaspoon, of salt. But the average American consumes about 12,000 milligrams, or more than two teaspoons, of salt a day -- which supplies 24 t
A. It is composed of sodium and chloride.
B. It helps the body to keep fluid substance.
C. Too much salt consumed can lead to high blood pressure.
D. It is the direct cause of heart diseases.
[单项选择]As this business is done on principal-to-principal basis, we will not consider paying any commission.
A. 由于这笔生意是双方面对面成交的,我们将不付给任何佣金。
B. 这笔业务是双方直接成交的,我们不付给佣金。
C. 由于这笔业务是双方直接成交的,我们不考虑付给佣金。
D. 当这笔业务成交后,我们也不会考虑付任何佣金的。
[单项选择]Marketing Management
Playboy’s principal distritution channel until 1979 was a network of approximately 450 nonproprietary retail outlets throughout the United States, many of which also sold other brands of men’s premium shoes. Play boy’s shoes were sold wholesale to retailers at approximately 50 percent of the suggested retail price. Price increases usually were announced in February or August. The company did not offer its retail accounts quantity discounts.
Because producing high-quality men’s dress shoes demanded highly skilled labor and specialized facilities, Playboy’s entire product life had been manufactured at the company’s facility in Lynn, Massachusetts, through our most of the company’s history. As consumer preferences changed and fashion became more important in men’s shoes during the 1970s, Playboy began contracting with outside manufacturers to produce casual shoes that matched Playboy’s quality and feature specifications yet could extend the brand’s franch
A. 128,000
B. 4,480
C. 17,280
D. 68,000
[简答题]The principal of Bradbury Heights Elementary School agrees with the ______ of the program.


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