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发布时间:2024-07-28 23:39:02


1 Before you make a deal with any potential purchaser, you should sign a______.
2 Many confidential letters have no______.
3 You should keep the deal to yourself excluding the employees until the deal has______.
4 During the process of producing the information, ______should be informed of the sale.
5 When discussing with your potential purchaser you should mark everything______.
6 Before a formal contract, you should negotiate a______with your potential purchaser about the main conditions of the sale.
7 Not all the points for discussion in the process of______will be appeared in the summary.
8 Make certain that your paperwork is______.
9 It is vital that______, bank statements, finance documents and employment, supplier and customer contacts are well ordered.
10 An employer must issue statements of terms of employment to all the employees within______.
11 If you fail to

更多"SELLING A BUSINESS 1 Before you ma"的相关试题:


1 Before you make a deal with any potential purchaser, you should sign a______.
2 Many confidential letters have no______.
3 You should keep the deal to yourself excluding the employees until the deal has______.
4 During the process of producing the information, ______should be informed of the sale.
5 When discussing with your potential purchaser you should mark everything______.
6 Before a formal contract, you should negotiate a______with your potential purchaser about the main conditions of the sale.
7 Not all the points for discussion in the process of______will be appeared in the summary.
8 Make certain that your paperwork is______.
9 It is vital that______, bank statements, finance documents and employment, supplier and customer contacts are well ordered.
10 An employer must issue statements of terms of employment to all the employees within______.
11 If you fail to
[简答题]Alvin runs a business selling expensive cars. Last Monday he mistakenly placed a notice on one car indicating that it was for sale for €5,000 when in fact its real price was €25,000. Bert later noticed the sign and recognising what a bargain it was immediately indicated to Alvin that he accepted the offer and would take the car for the indicated amount. Alvin, however, told Bert that there had been a mistake and that the true price of the car was €25,000. Bert insisted that he was entitled to get the car at the lower price, and when Alvin would not give it to him at that price Bert said that he would sue Alvin. After Bert had left, Alvin changed the price on the car to €25,000 and subsequently Cat came in and said she would like to buy the car, but that she would have to arrange finance. On Tuesday Del came by and offered Alvin the full €25,000 cash there and then and Alvin sold it to him. Required: Advise Alvin, Bert, Cat and Del as to their rights and liabilities in the law
[单项选择]()is the tools to be used to make deal between the seller and buyer by Extranet in a paperless circumstance.
B. Electronic commerce
D. Electronic order system
[简答题]visiting place you never visit before or place you have visited
Business Presentation
Pay Attention to Getting Attention
1.A major obstacle of selling things is that your sales message will be______.Three proven ways you can capture a prospect’s attention quickly:
2.Make a______.
3.Surprise your prospects______.
4.Include attention getting headlines on all______.
Emphasize the Human Relationship
5.Prospective customers are more receptive to buying from a real person than from______.
6.Sell yourself to make prospective customers ______with the selling process.
7.Sell your company and its history of producing results to make prospective customers confident of your ability to deliver______.
Trigger Your Customer’s Imagination
8.Convert the benefits delivered by your product or service into______.
9.Put your prospect in the picture by dramatizing what it feels like to be______.


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