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发布时间:2023-10-22 15:21:32




Until recently the opportunities for criminal activities on the Internet have been low. However, the volume of business done on the Internet is growing rapidly such as ordering books and other products and making money transactions. All this is creating temptations for hackers.
Hackers are often young people who are interested in computers. They use them to move quietly to the Internet, looking for ways to break into computer’s systems run by banks, telephone companies and even government departments. They look for examples of credit cards and try to steal the numbers.
Hackers rarely admit to a successful break-in. The first indication of a hacking may be when a customer discovers a wrong money transaction on a credit card account. It is harder to check on somebody misusing an online connection unless there is a massive download of information which would call the attention of the consumer.

The main idea of the first paragraph is that().
A. the opportunities for criminal activities on the Internet have been low
B. the opportunities for criminal activities on the Internet are low
C. there are more opportunities for criminal activities on the Internet
D. people should not make money transactions on the Internet

DNA database of criminal relatives has nothing to do with the justice system. True False
[单项选择]Our criminal justice system is inherently flawed because it relies on amateur juries of decent citizens, who lack the perspective to understand the criminal mind. To have an effective criminal justice system would require professional juries, who would be able to deal with these criminals in a way that gets results.
The argument above depends on which of the following assumptions ?()
A. Professional jurors will be more reliable than amateur jurors because they will not attempt to avoid jury duty.
B. Professional jurors will not be burdened by the biases against race, gender, and religion that amateur jurors bring into the courtroom.
C. Dealing with criminals in a way that gets results requires an understanding of the criminal mind.
D. No amount of professional training can impart the perspective of the criminal mind necessary to run an effective criminal justice system.
E. Jurors possessing the perspective to understand the criminal mind are unfit to serve on a jury, because they are likely to be criminals.
[填空题]FBI criminal data includes DNA samples collected from the convicted as well as the accused.

[填空题]Criminal profiles justify the police scathes and arrests without warrants, a practice supported by ______.

[单项选择]Before talking about what forensic and criminal psychology is, we must define criminal behavior first. Criminal behavior suggests a large number and variety of acts. Andrew and Bonta (1998) suggest four broad definitions of criminal behavior and the acts and behaviors that fit within these domains. These four areas are legal criminal behavior or actions that are prohibited by the state and punishable under the law, moral criminal behavior which refers to actions that violate the norms of religion and morality and are believed to be punishable by a supreme spiritual being, social criminal behavior which refers to actions that violate the norms of custom and tradition and are punishable by a community and finally psychological criminal behavior that refers to actions that may be rewarding to the actor but inflict pain or loss on others--it is criminal behavior that is anti-social behavior.
A good working definition can be seen as. "antisocial acts that place the actor at risk of b
A. legal criminal behavior
B. moral criminal behavior
C. social criminal behavior
D. psychological criminal behavior
[单项选择]According to United States criminal law, insanity may relieve a person from the usual legal consequences____.
A. what his or her acts have
B. of his or her acts are
C. of his or her acts
D. what of his or her acts

How efficient is our system of criminal trial Does it really do the basic job we ask of it—convicting the guilty and acquitting the innocent It is often said that the British trail system is more like a game than a serious attempt to do justice. The lawyers on each side are so engrosses in playing hard to win, challenging each other and the judge on technical points, that the object of finding out the truth is almost forgotten. All the effort is concentrated on the big day, on the dramatic cross examination of the key witnesses in front of the jury. Critics like to compare our "adversarial" system (resembling two adversaries engaged in a contest) with the continental "inquisitorial" system, under which the judge plays a more important inquiring role.
In early times, in the Middle Ages, the systems of trial across Europe were’ similar. At that time trial by "ordeal"—especially a religious event--was the main way of testing gu
A. do the same as American newspapers do
B. are not interested in publishing details about the trial before it takes place
C. are not allowed to publish details about the trial before it takes place
D. are allowed to publish details about the trial before it takes place


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