发布时间:2024-07-31 21:56:00

Passage One
The beat generation mainly referred to the youth who were born and brought up around the Second World War. They showed their disdain (蔑视,轻视) for almost everything traditional, such as government authority, respect for parents, one’s duty, moral standards, and traditional customs. They developed a kind of absolute individualism and liberty. They preferred long hair, mini dresses or close fitting clothes to show off the figure. They advocated freedom of sex and cohabitation (同居). Their influence could be seen from the fact that about one third of the American couples living together were not married by law. And the divorce rate was very high. The endless US wars abroad and sharp class straggle at home caused many American youths to develop a kind of cynicism. They doubted the existing social system, possibility of harmonious (和谐的)
A. they had no interest
B. they found hard to cooperate with it
C. the laws block their way to do so
D. they thought their need was neglected

更多"Passage One The beat gene"的相关试题:

Passage One
The beat generation mainly referred to the youth who were born and brought up around the Second World War. They showed their disdain (蔑视,轻视) for almost everything traditional, such as government authority, respect for parents, one’s duty, moral standards, and traditional customs. They developed a kind of absolute individualism and liberty. They preferred long hair, mini dresses or close fitting clothes to show off the figure. They advocated freedom of sex and cohabitation (同居). Their influence could be seen from the fact that about one third of the American couples living together were not married by law. And the divorce rate was very high. The endless US wars abroad and sharp class straggle at home caused many American youths to develop a kind of cynicism. They doubted the existing social system, possibility of harmonious (和谐的)
A. about 20 couples.
B. about 30 couples.
C. about 60 couples.
D. about 40 couples.
[单项选择]Passage Two
Generation gaps are nothing new. Imperfect communication between age groups plagued the ancient Greeks and current works alike.
Many an older worker chafes at an under-30 colleague who surfs the Internet, listens to his Sony Walkman and chats on the phone or with his desk mate, all while working on a project due in an hour.
Sometimes, of course, he isn’t corking, and that’s a whole different issue. But sometimes he is getting lots of great stuff done. In the meantime, the different work styles create a case of "Would you please shut up" vs. "Lighten up. Get a life"
Marc Prensky, vice president of Bankers Trust and founder of its interactive learning subsidiary, Corporate Gameware, was on point in Across the board, a publication of the conference board. The business research organization titled Prensky’s article "Twitch
A. generation gaps
B. work styles of different age groups
C. lack of mutual understanding between the old and the young
D. imperfect communication between old and young workers
[单项选择]Passage Three
Our present generation of cultural critics, arriving after the assault of postmodernism and the increasingly widespread commercialization of culture, has been cast adrift, without any firm basis for judgments. Publications and institutions to support serious criticism, in this view, either no longer exist or are few in number.
Critics today, it is also claimed, are too cozy behind the ivied walls of academe, content to employ a prose style that is decipherable only to a handful of the cognoscenti. The deadly dive of Uniersity critics into the shallow depths of popular culture, moreover, reveals the unwillingness of these critics to uphold standards. Even if the reasons offered are contradictory, these Jeremiahs huddle around their sad conclusion that serious cultural criticism has fallen into a morass of petty bickering and bl
A. Cultural critics attack postmodernism and commercialization cherished by publications and institutions.
B. Postmodernism and commercialization are attacked by the serious publications and institutions.
C. Cultural criticism is short of judgments and will not exist without the support of publications and institutions.
D. Publications and institutions show almost no interest in serious cultural criticism.
Passage 1
Our generation has made such immense discoveries and achieved undreamed enrichments of the outside of life, that it has lost touch with the inside of life. It has forgotten the true riches and beauties of its spiritual inheritance: riches and beauties that go far beyond our modern chatter about values and ideals. The mind’s search for more breadth has obscured the heart’s craving for more depth. Once again man has become the dupe of his own cleverness. And because it is difficult to attend to more than a few things at a time, we leave out a great range of experiences which comes in by another route and tells us of another kind of life. Our interest rushes out to the farthest limits of the universe, but we seldom take a sounding of the ocean beneath our restless keels. We get, therefore, a queer feeling that we are leaving somethin
A. Man’s Need for Wisdom
B. The Inside of life
C. Heart vs. Mind
D. Universal Ideals


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