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发布时间:2023-11-25 18:53:02

[单项选择]Passage Three
Our present generation of cultural critics, arriving after the assault of postmodernism and the increasingly widespread commercialization of culture, has been cast adrift, without any firm basis for judgments. Publications and institutions to support serious criticism, in this view, either no longer exist or are few in number.
Critics today, it is also claimed, are too cozy behind the ivied walls of academe, content to employ a prose style that is decipherable only to a handful of the cognoscenti. The deadly dive of Uniersity critics into the shallow depths of popular culture, moreover, reveals the unwillingness of these critics to uphold standards. Even if the reasons offered are contradictory, these Jeremiahs huddle around their sad conclusion that serious cultural criticism has fallen into a morass of petty bickering and bl
A. Cultural critics attack postmodernism and commercialization cherished by publications and institutions.
B. Postmodernism and commercialization are attacked by the serious publications and institutions.
C. Cultural criticism is short of judgments and will not exist without the support of publications and institutions.
D. Publications and institutions show almost no interest in serious cultural criticism.

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[单项选择]Passage Three
Our present generation of cultural critics, arriving after the assault of postmodernism and the increasingly widespread commercialization of culture, has been cast adrift, without any firm basis for judgments. Publications and institutions to support serious criticism, in this view, either no longer exist or are few in number.
Critics today, it is also claimed, are too cozy behind the ivied walls of academe, content to employ a prose style that is decipherable only to a handful of the cognoscenti. The deadly dive of Uniersity critics into the shallow depths of popular culture, moreover, reveals the unwillingness of these critics to uphold standards. Even if the reasons offered are contradictory, these Jeremiahs huddle around their sad conclusion that serious cultural criticism has fallen into a morass of petty bickering and bl
A. Cultural criticism is not serious enough when the articles are written in the cozy prose style.
B. Popular culture is so prevailing that serious critics are not willing to keep to the shallow standards.
C. Serious cultural criticism is full of insignificant quarrels and the public do not really trust it.
D. Cultural critics have become so serious as to tell the stories imbued with American intellectual Puritanism.
[单项选择]Passage Three
Our sense of smell, which we normally take for granted, is nowadays being increasingly used for purposes which might surprise us if we aware of them. One area in which smells are created to achieve particular results is marketing. For some time manufacturers have taken advantage of our sense of smell with regard to household goods. Millions of dollars are spent on product research in the hunt for the right smell as it is believed perfume influnences the way consumers perceive a brand. In a survey in the United States, when people were asked what was the most important factor in their choice of detergent (洗衣粉), smell was rated highly, above ingredients and price.
Now stores are becoming even more direct in their use of smell. The smell of fresh bread in a supermarket tends to encourage people to buy, and people selling their hou
A. How to Avoide Being Affected by Smells
B. Using Smells to Influence People
C. The Power of Our Sense of Smell
D. New Smells in Supermarkets
[单项选择]Passage Three
We spend our leisure hours efficiently for higher production, live by the clock even when time does not matter, modernize our homes and speed the machinery of living in order that we can go to the most places and do the most things in the shortest period of time possible. We try to eat, sleep, and talk efficiently. Even on holidays and Sundays, the efficient man relaxes on timetable with one eye on the clock and the other on an appointment sheet.
To squeeze the most out of each shining hour we have shortened the opera, quickened the pace of the movie and put culture in pocket-sized packages. We make the busy bee look like a lazy creature, the ant like a sluggard. We live sixty-mile-minute and the great efficiency smiles.
We wish we could return to that pleasant day when we considered time a friend instead of
A. the modern pace
B. our interest in shortened operas
C. how to make the best use of leisure time
D. planning our time scientifically

Passage Three
We spend our leisure hours efficiently for higher production, live by the clock even when time does not matter, modernize our homes and speed the machinery of living in order that we can go to the most places and do the most things in the shortest period of time possible. We try to eat, sleep, and talk efficiently. Even on holidays and Sundays, the efficient man relaxes on timetable with one eye on the clock and the other on an appointment sheet.
To squeeze the most out of each shining hour we have shortened the opera, quickened the pace of the movie and put culture in pocket-sized packages. We make the busy bee look like a lazy creature, the ant like a sluggard. We live sixty-mile-minute and the great efficiency smiles.
We wish we could return to that pleasant day when we considered time a friend instead of an enemy; when we did things willingly and because we wanted to, rather than because our timetable called for it, But that
A. Shortened opera performances.
B. Quickened paces of movies.
C. Speeded-up work efficiency.
D. Working on holidays.

Passage Three

A. No one knows.
B. The Chinese chef used the wrong recipes.
C. The hungry miners requested a new dish to be served.
D. A Chinese chef created the dish from the leftovers for the miners.


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