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发布时间:2024-07-04 22:42:55


What are the three aspects people find about routine

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[填空题]What are the three aspects people find about routine
Passage Three
What kind of minerals can we find on the ocean floor
A. Iron and copper.
B. Gold and copper.
C. Nickel and bronze.
D. Iron and bronze.
[单项选择]What make customers find surprising about Harrods ?()
A. Its power bill reaches £9 million a year.
B. It sells thousands of light bulbs a day.
C. It supplies power to a nearby town.
D. It generates 70% of the electricity it uses.
Passage Three
What do we learn about the sea in the modem technological world
A. It is the largest supplier of valuable minerals.
B. It will disappear in about thirty years.
C. It is beginning to grow smaller and smaller.
D. It offers many resources to help mankind survive.
[单项选择]What does he find about most of his passengers
A. They are happy to chat to him.
B. They only give one-word answers.
C. They have interesting stories to tell.
D. They dislike taxi drivers.
[单项选择]What does Daniel find most attractive about his profession
A. visibility
B. high salary
C. high pressure
D. feeling of accomplishment
[填空题]What is more interesting about the Three-banded Armadillos
[单项选择]In his research, what did Tom Henderson find about training in small firms
A. They spend too little on training.
B. They are unaware of their training expenses.
C. They receive state subsidies for trainin
[单项选择]What does the man find surprising about the woman( ).
A. She has never been to Gettysburg.
B. She took a political science course.
C. Her family still goes on vacation together.
D. She’s interested in the United States Civil War.
[单项选择]What do we find out about Alan Robinson from the text A. His main aim is to make money. B. He has always wanted to work in the fashion industry. C. He isn’t afraid of trying new ideas.
[单项选择]What does the UN report find about the Chernobyl nuclear disaster
A. The radiation is still affecting people’s lives.
B. Much fewer people would die from the disaster than first believed.
C. More people would die from the disaster than first believed.
D. The number o{ deformed babies in the region is increasing.
[简答题] The Most Important Secret About Trust What Is Trust You know when you have trust; you know when you don’’t have trust. Yet, what is trust and how is trust usefully defined for the workplace Can you build trust when it doesn’’t exist How do you maintain and build upon the trust you may currently have in your workplace These are important questions for today’’s rapidly changing world. Trust forms the foundation for effective communication, employee retention, and employee motivation and contribution of discretionary (自由决定的) energy, the extra effort that people voluntarily invest in work. When trust exists in an organization or in a relationship, almost everything is easier to achieve. According to Dr. Duane C. Tway, Jr. in his 1993 dissertation, A Construct of Trust, "There exists today, no practical construct of Trust that allows us to design and implement organizational interventions to significantly increase trust levels between people. We


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