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发布时间:2024-08-02 20:35:34

[填空题]Do you know the (high) ______ of St. Paul’s Cathedral.

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[填空题]Do you know the (high) ______ of St. Paul’s Cathedral.
[单项选择]—Fred: Hi, Paul, do you live near here —Paul: ________ I moved out to the suburbs.
A. Hi, Fred,how do you do
B. Hi, Fred, I’m very well, thanks. C.
C. Yes, I do.
D. No,I don’t.

W: You look really healthy, Paul. Do you exercise very much
M: Well, I almost always get up very early, and I lift weights for an hour.

What can we learn from the conversation ()
A. The woman does much exercise.
B. The man does much exercise.
C. The woman always gets up very early.
D. The man lifts weights everyday for half an hour.
[填空题]Do you know the(high) __________ of St. Paul’s Cathedral.


W: What’s the matter, Paul You seem disappointed.
M: I knew just now that I hadn’t passed the last English test.

Why is Paul disappointed ( )
A. Because he lost his English textbook.
B. Because he didn’t get good marks in the last examination.
C. Because he failed in the last English examination.
D. Because he did not attend the last English test.
[单项选择]Julie: Do you know everybody here
Paul: No. Hardly anybody.
Julie: How do you know Sam
Paul: He’s a friend of Mark’s. How do you know him
Julie: Sam and I go to the same gym.
Paul: He’s a nice guy. ______
Julie: About a year or so.
Paul: Who else do you know here
Julie: Well, there’s Sam’s girlfriend, Clare...

A. How long have you known him
B. What do you know about him
C. How well do you know him
D. Why do you want to know him

W: How do you usually spend your day, Paul
M: I usually get up at seven. I take a shower and dress and then I have breakfast at seven-thirty. I leave the house at eight. I work from nine to five. I have dinner at six-thirty, watch television and then go to bed.
W: How do you usually spend your weekends
M: In the summer, I usually sit in the park. At other times of the year, I like to do odd (临时的) jobs around the house or paint. Painting is my hobby.
W: What do you do for exercise
M: I play basketball every weekend.

At what time does the man usually have dinner ( )
A. At eight.
B. At six.
C. At six-thirty.
[单项选择]“You are too self-centered. It’s high time you ___________that you are not the most important person in the world, ” Edgar said to his boss angrily.
A. realized
B. have realized
C. realize
D. should realize
[单项选择]Do you hate exams If you do, you aren’t 51 . Students in many other countries hate them, too. 52 for them, British students have less exams than Chinese students. They only have them once a year. Every summer they have a test on each 53 . Each test 54 about an hour. These exams don’t count much. Even if a student does really 55 he still can progress to the next grade. When the 56 come out they are then placed in an end-of -year report. The report is sent to the student’s parents. It describes 57 the student performed and behaved through the year. This report is private, so 58 the teacher, the student and his parents can see it. This means that a student doesn’t know how other students scored in the exams. Some students choose to tell each other, but others 59 . Parents’ meeting are held 60 a year, at the end of the winter term and then at the end of the summer term. Chil
A. lonely
B. silent
C. alone
D. quietly
[多项选择]PART 3
·Do you think athletes deserve high salaries /Are athletes getting paid too much Why
What do you do when you want to learn the meaning of a {{U}} (21) {{/U}} word If you’re {{U}} (22) {{/U}} most people, you do one of two things. You ask someone to tell you the word’s meaning, or you look {{U}} (23) {{/U}} the word in a dictionary.
The fact that you can look up words in a dictionary can be {{U}} (24) {{/U}} to a man named Noah Webster. He produced the first dictionary of American English.
Noah Webster was a person who {{U}} (25) {{/U}} words. He was born in West Hartford, Connecticut in 1758. Webster studied at Yale and later became a teacher and a writer.
In 1782 Webster was teaching at an elementary school in Goshen, New York. He saw that the schoolbooks he was using left {{U}} (26) {{/U}} something he felt was important. The books Webster {{U}} (27) {{/U}} to use in his teaching came from England. Th
A. to
B. with
C. at
D. in


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