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发布时间:2024-01-27 23:19:24


W: What’s the matter, Paul You seem disappointed.
M: I knew just now that I hadn’t passed the last English test.

Why is Paul disappointed ( )
A. Because he lost his English textbook.
B. Because he didn’t get good marks in the last examination.
C. Because he failed in the last English examination.
D. Because he did not attend the last English test.

更多"W: What’s the matter, Paul Y"的相关试题:


W: What’s the matter You seem to have lost something.
M: My calculator is missing, but I do remember I put it on the desk before I left the office.

What’s the man’s problem ()
A. He lost his way.
B. He can’t find his calculator.
C. He forgot where he put the calculator.
D. He was locked out.

W: What is the matter, Jack You seem very disappointed.
M: I knew just now that I didn’t pass the last math test.

Why is Jack disappointed()
A. Because he was late.
B. Because he didn’t pass the English test.
C. Because he didn’t pass the math test.
D. Because his math teacher criticized him seriously.
[简答题]You are Paul. You have got a ticket to a computer fair, but you now find that you are unable to go. Write a note to your friend, George, explaining why you are sending the enclosed ticket to him and telling him briefly how to get there.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.
[填空题]No matter how far you’re traveling in the city by bus, you only have to pay no more than 2 Yuan.


M: What’s the matter, Jane You look a bit pale.
W: I’m afraid I’ve got a terrible cold.
M: Have you taken any medicine
W: Yes. I took an aspirin. But I’m not feeling any better.
M: Have you been to see the doctor
W: Not yet. I’ll go this afternoon.

What’s the matter with Jane()
A. She looks pale.
B. She’s ill.
C. She has got a cold.

M: What’s the matter
W. You need to go on a diet. Eat the things listed on page 18 of the small book every day.

What is the probable relationship between the two speakers ()
A. Teacher and student.
B. Customer and seller.
C. Boss and secretary.
D. Patient and doctor.
[单项选择]What was the matter with you this morning You looked ______ you hadn’t slept for the last 24 hours.
[A] as if [B] that [C] so as [D] like that
{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

No matter how much you flatten the hierarchies at your company, communication can’t improve if people’s desks are stuck ten floors away from the folks they ought to be chatting with regularly. To fix this problem, more and more companies are moving into shorter, wider buildings--abandoning skyscrapers that forced them to inhabit 20 different floors in order to fit everyone in one place. The idea is to create more spontaneous face-to-face contacts. "If you only have to walk down the hallway to talk to people, not only will you talk to them in person but you’ll probably bump into other interesting people along the way," says James Nixon, who manages real estates for Andersen Worldwide.
The people you bump into tend to get more interesting as the building gets flatter as well. Like layer cakes, with flavors separated by creamy floors of frosting, tall buildings segregate people into functional ghettos. If you wo
A. They may improve communication between different departments.
B. They may create more spontaneous face-to-face contacts.
C. People working in them may get more interesting.
D. They are most appropriate for financial departments.
[单项选择]Good teachers matter. This may seem obvious to anyone who has a child in school or, for that matter, to anyone who has been a child in school. For a long time, though, researchers couldn’t actually prove that teaching talent was important. But new research finally shows that teacher quality is a close cousin to student achievement. A great teacher can cram one-and-a-half grades’ worth of learning into a single year, while laggards are lucky to accomplish half that much. Parents and kids, it seems, have been right all along to care whether they were assigned to Mrs. Smith or Mr. Brown.
Yet, while we know now that better teachers are critical, flaws in the way that administrators select and retain them mean that schools don’t always hire the best.
Many ingredients for good teaching are difficult to ascertain in advance—charisma and diligence come to mind—but research shows a teacher’s own ability on standardized tests reliably predicts good performance in the classroom. Yo
A. Good teachers help students establish confidence.
B. Good teachers determine the personality of students.
C. Good teachers promote student achievement.
D. Good teachers treat students as their own children.
[单项选择]No matter how you look on paper, no matter how well you present yourself, no matter how well you answer their questions, you will not get the job unless you make a personal connection with the interviewer. I need to know from the very start that you are someone I can trust to represent my company and me. How do you establish that trust Simple. At the very beginning of the interview, when the introductions are being made, concentrate on looking directly and solidly into the interviewer’s eyes, giving them your sweetest and most endearing smile. I tend to think of it as a "shy smile." The bottom line is to make it a warm and friendly smile. Then think about the fact that you are truly pleased to be there in the presence of this person. Establish that personal connection both physically and mentally with the interviewer.
How do you know when the connection is made When they return your smile in a comfortable, relaxed manner, you are connected and ready to communicate on a personal le
A. If you want to get the job, you must make the interviewer trust you.
B. If you want to be trusted, you should know more information about the interviewer.
C. It is not necessary to make eye contact with the interviewer.
D. It is not necessary to keep smiling during the interview.


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