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发布时间:2024-07-27 04:21:52

{{B}}Common-cold Sense{{/B}}
You can’t beat it, but you don’t have to join it. Maybe it got the name "common cold" because it’s more common in winter. The fact is, though, being cold doesn’t have anything to do with getting one. Colds are caused by the spread of rhinoviruses, and, at least so far, medical science is better at telling you how to avoid getting one than how to get rid of one.
Children are the most common way cold viruses are spread to adults, because they have more colds than adults — an average of about eight per year. Why do kids seem so much more easily to get colds than their parents Simple. They haven’t had the oppommity to become immune to many cold viruses.
There are more than 150 different cold viruses, and you never have the same One twice. Being infected by o
A. the weather is too cold
B. the spread of rhinovimses gets people infected
C. another person’s coughing passes the cold to you
D. you wash your hands too often


[单项选择]第二篇    Mind-reading Machine   A team of researchers in California has developed a way to predict what kinds of objects people are looking at by scanning (扫描) what’s happening in their brains.   When you look at something, your eyes send a signal about that object to your brain. Different regions of the brain process the information your eyes send. Cells in your brain called neurons (神经元) are responsible for this processing.   The fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) (功能性磁振造影) brain scans could generally match electrical activity in the brain to the basic shape of a picture that someone was looking at.   Like cells anywhere else in your body, active neurons use oxygen. Blood brings oxygen to the neurons, and the more active a neuron is, the more oxygen it will consume. The more active a region of the brain, the more active its neurons, and in turn, the more blood will travel to that region. And by using fMRI, scientist
A. The magnetic system in the brain.
B. The central part of the heart.
C. Oxygen-rich blood.
D. Neurons in the brain.
{{B}} On Being a Matchmaker{{/B}}
The first thing I do when I wake up is to make a mental list of all things I have to do that day. I’m very organized! Then I get up and have my bath. Often my best matchmaking (媒人) ideas come while I’m in the bath. Sometimes I have a really good idea about who might be good with whom.
Before I did matchmaking, I was a social worker, but I knew I wanted to do something without bosses telling me what to do and that I am good at dealing with people. Also I had seen too many broken marriages and too many people go downhill because they were so lonely. So I gave up my job, did a bit of research and started the matchmaking business in 1970.
Over the last few years we’ve been doing introductions throughout Europe as well as here in Britain. Europeans want to m
A. She is especially capable of organizing things.
B. She has a fixed plan for her everyday activities.
C. She likes to remember things she has to do.
D. She always finishes what she does on time.


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