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发布时间:2023-10-21 10:38:42

[填空题](illustrate)()by example is better than explanations in words.

更多"(illustrate)()by example is better "的相关试题:

[填空题](illustrate) () by example is better than explanations in words.
[填空题]better than any other
[填空题]Better than the drug trade.
[填空题]Successful salespeople know much better than researchers about the powerful psychological effect of a touch on customers.

[单项选择]Why did movies do better than theater
A. Films provided more melodrama.
B. Films provided longer programs.
C. Films provided emotional appeal.
D. Films provided greater spectacles.
[填空题]( )is better than money.
[单项选择]Globally, recovery is going slightly better than expected, according to the IMF, which released its latest World Economic Outlook today. After shrinking by 0.6% last year, the global economy is likely to expand by 4.2% in 2010, 0.3% faster than the IMF projected in January. But economic performances will continue to vary widely around the world. Much of the upward revision to global growth can be attributed to a better outlook for the American economy. The IMF revised its forecast for American economic expansion in 2010 up 0.4%, to 3.1%. There was no change, by contrast, for the euro area, which already faced a poorer growth outlook. The Euro area economy may only grow by 1% in 2010 and 1.5% in 2011. And much of the job of expansion will be handled by Germany and France, while southern European growth continues to lag. Spain’s economy will continue to shrink in 2010.
But the outlook is brightening for many emerging economies, including those in central and eastern Europe, for wh
A. The recovery of global economy is slower than expected.
B. Global economy is recovering somewhat better than expected.
C. Economy in Euro area will not grow any more in the future.
D. American economy faces a poorer growth outlook.
[填空题]The interior decoration of Oceanic was better than Titanic.

[填空题]Organic food is not necessarily better than conventional food in terms of nutrition, safety or taste.

Any brain exercise is better than being a total mental couch potato. But the activities with the most (1) are those that require you to work beyond what is easy and comfortable. Playing (2) rounds of games and watching the latest documentary marathon on the History Channel may not be enough. Just as your muscles grow stronger with use, mental exercise keeps your mental skills and memory in tone. But what kind of exercise is best for the brain ? Here are some suggestions.
Be a lifelong learner. Continuing to learn new things can build and (3) the connections between brain cells.
(4) your brain. Think of all mental activities as a continuous whole. Watching a TV documentary would be on the passive, mildly challenging end of the (5) , while learning how to converse in a new language would be on the active, very challenging end. When it comes to cognitive reserve, (6) challenging tasks have the biggest impact.

A. endless
B. isolation
C. maintain
D. spectrum
E. evidently
F. navigate
G. timid
H. frantic
I. mentally
J. diverse
K. impact
L. deprive
M. alternative
N. excursion


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