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发布时间:2023-10-23 09:06:56

[填空题]It is believed that trucks using the Interstate Highway System deliver more than ______ of all goods.

更多"It is believed that trucks using th"的相关试题:

[填空题]Trucks using the interstate highways deliver more than ______.

[填空题]Trucks using the interstate highway delivers more than ______.
[填空题]believed, was believed, were believed, are, was, were What ______ to be aliens from outer space ______ actually several sheep going astray.
[填空题]The interstate highways system provides access between major military installations in America.

[填空题]The interstate highway system provides access between major military installations in America.
[填空题]The interstate system was renamed after Eisenhower in recognition of ______.
[填空题]The biggest change brought about by the interstate system was to provide people with ______.

Observational Learning

Some scientists believed that direct reinforcement could not account for all types of learning. Bandura’s learning theory added a social element, arguing that people can learn new information and behaviors by watching other people. Known as observational learning (or modeling), this type of learning can be used to explain a wide variety of behaviors. Observational learning takes place when an individual acquires a habit or skill through witnessing the performance of another person. Such learning often, but not always, involves imitation of the observed activities.
Question: The professor uses an experiment to illustrate the definition of "observational learning". Explain how this example is related to the reading passage.
[填空题]In the late 20th century, the Interstate Highway System was officially renamed after Eisenhower in honor of ______.

[单项选择]Light utility trucks have become popular among consumers who buy them primarily for the trucks rugged appearance. Yet although, these trucks are tough-looking, they are exempt from the government’s car-safety standards that dictate minimum roof strength and minimum resistance to impact. Therefore, if involved in a serious high-impact accident, a driver of one of these trucks is more likely to be injured than is a driver of a car that is subject to these government standards.
The argument depends on the assumption that
A. the government has established safety standards for the construction of light utility trucks.
B. people who buy automobiles solely for their appearance are more likely than other people to drive recklessly.
C. light utility trucks are more likely than other kinds of vehicles to be involved in accidents that result in injuries.
D. the trucks’ rugged appearance is deceptive in that their engines are not especially powerful.
E. (E) light utility trucks are less likely to meet the car-safety standards than are cars that are subject to the standards.
[单项选择]Ford believed that it is important
A. to make every employee happy.
B. to cope with ex-manager if the exmanager is still going to be on the board.
C. to be always honest and open in managing the corporation.
[单项选择]Bruce believed that it is important
A. to cope with ex-CEO.
B. to be always honest and open in managing the company.
C. to make every employee happy.
[填空题]Comparative Historical Linguistics believed that all languages ______ from one language and were ruled by a common grammar.


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