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发布时间:2023-12-06 21:14:37

Observational Learning

Some scientists believed that direct reinforcement could not account for all types of learning. Bandura’s learning theory added a social element, arguing that people can learn new information and behaviors by watching other people. Known as observational learning (or modeling), this type of learning can be used to explain a wide variety of behaviors. Observational learning takes place when an individual acquires a habit or skill through witnessing the performance of another person. Such learning often, but not always, involves imitation of the observed activities.
Question: The professor uses an experiment to illustrate the definition of "observational learning". Explain how this example is related to the reading passage.

更多"Observational Learning Some scien"的相关试题:

[填空题]Many scientists believed that they could produce an anti-AIDS vaccine that could be given to people to ______the disease.

[单项选择]Scientists have long believed that constructing memories is like playing with neurological toys. Exposed to a barrage of sensations from the outside world, we connect together brain cells to form new patterns of electrical connections that stand for images, smells, touches and sounds.
The most unshakable part of this belief is that the neurons used to build these memory circuits are depletable resource, like petroleum or gold. We are each given a finite number of cells, and the supply gets smaller each year. That is certainly how it feels as memories blur with middle age and it gets harder and harder to learn new things. Maybe it’s time for this notion to be forgotten-or at least radically revised.
In the past two years, a series of confusing experiments has forced scientific researchers to rethink this and other assumptions about how memory works. The perplexing results of these experiments remind scientists how much they have to learn about one of the last great mysteri
A. The neurons used to build the memory are a depletable resource.
B. The reason of memory loss as one grows older is that the neurons are worn out with the increase of age.
C. New memories do not need the supply of new neurons in the brain.
D. All of above.
[填空题]Scientists believed that Mayan city ______ because many buildings were left unfinished.

Scientists had until very recently believed that there were around 100,000 human genes, available to make each and every one of us in our splendid diversity. 41) __________. So that grand panjandrum, the human, may not manage to boast twice as many genes as that microscopic nowhere—worm, with its 18,000 genes, the nematode. Even the fruit fly, considered so negligible that even the most extreme of animal rights activists don’t kick up a fuss about its extensive use in genetic experimentation, has 16,000 genes. 42) __________.

Without understanding in the least what the scientific implications of this discovery might be, anybody with the smallest curiosity about people—and that’s pretty much all of us—can see that it is pretty significant. 43) __________. Human complexity, on this information, can he Best explained in the manner it looks to be best explained before scientific evidence becomes involved at all. In other words, in the nature v

[填空题]The skyscraper is believed by some people to be a product of an era when technology was relatively weak and people had to stay together to do their jobs.
[单项选择](It is) believed that some dinosaurs were intelligent, (ability) to perform complex activities, and perhaps (even) capable of (social) behavior.( )
A. It is
B. ability
C. even
D. social


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