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发布时间:2024-07-31 20:08:23


W: Good morning, sir. Are you being attended to
M: I’ m looking for 5 × 6 cushions . Do you have one of this size
W: Yes, we do. But what color do you want
M: Dark and light yellow woven together.
W: Please move over here, sir. How about this one
M: Mm... I like the color and the pattern. But do you have another one so that I can choose
W: I’ m sorry, we don’ t. If you really want to buy, we can give you 6% off, since this is the last blue one left. It’ s a real bargain.
M: But I must make sure that there isn’ t anything wrong with cushions first.
W: Fine, go ahead, please.
(A few minutes later.)
M: Are you sure I can get 6% discount
W: Absolutely sure.
M: Then I’ll take it. As far as the size, color and the pat tern are concerned, and they are just what I appreciate. By the way, can you have it shipped to me in Den mar
A. America.
B. Denmark.
C. Canada.
D. China.

更多"[听力原文]6-7 W: Good morning, sir. A"的相关试题:


[听力原文] 6-7
W:Good morning,sir.Are you being attended to
M:I’m looking for 5×6 cushions.Do you have one of this size
W:Yes.we do.But what color do you want
M:(6) Dark and light yellow woven together.
W:Please move over here,sir.How about this one
M:Mm...I like the color and the pattern.But do you have another one so that I can choose
W:I’m sorry, we don’t.If you really want to buy,we can give you 6% off.since this is the last blue oneleft.It’s a real bargain.
M:But I must make sure that there isn’t anything wrong with cushions first.
W:Fine,go ahead, please.
(A few minutes later.)
M:Are you sure I can get 6%discount
W:Absolutely sure.
M:Then I’ll take it.As far as the size,color and the pattern are concerned,and they are just what I appreciate.By the way,(7) can you have it shipped to me in Denmark
A. Dark and light blue.
B. Dark and light green.
C. Dark and light brown.
D. Dark and light yellow.


W: Good morning, sir. Are you being attended to
M: I’ m looking for 5 × 6 cushions . Do you have one of this size
W: Yes, we do. But what color do you want
M: Dark and light yellow woven together.
W: Please move over here, sir. How about this one
M: Mm... I like the color and the pattern. But do you have another one so that I can choose
W: I’ m sorry, we don’ t. If you really want to buy, we can give you 6% off, since this is the last blue one left. It’ s a real bargain.
M: But I must make sure that there isn’ t anything wrong with cushions first.
W: Fine, go ahead, please.
(A few minutes later.)
M: Are you sure I can get 6% discount
W: Absolutely sure.
M: Then I’ll take it. As far as the size, color and the pat tern are concerned, and they are just what I appreciate. By the way, can you have it shipped to me in Den mar
A. Dark and light blue.
B. Dark and light green.
C. Dark and light brown.
D. Dark and light yellow.


W: Was the movie as good as you expected
M: It was a waste of time and money. We should have stayed at home.

How does the man feel about the movie()
A. The movie concerns too much about money.
B. The movie will spend their much money and time.
C. He wants to see the film again.
D. The movie is not good.

W: Was the concert as good as you expected
M: I would rather have not spent the time and energy.

How does the man feel about the concert ()
A. He regretted not having seen it.
B. He didn’t spend enough money on it.
C. He enjoyed it very much.
D. He wished he hadn’t gone.

M: Good morning, have you anything to declare
W: No, I’ve only been abroad for a few days. That’s why I came through this gale.

Where did the conversation most probably take place()
A. In a court room.
B. At a department store.
C. At the Customs.
D. At an insurance company.

A good breakfast is important. You can easily understand it. By breakfast time you have not eaten anything for about twelve hours. You need food for morning activities.
One good breakfast should be rice or bread, an egg, milk and fruit. On a cold morning a cup of hot drink is necessary.
You must get up early to have plenty of time to eat breakfast.
A good breakfast helps you to smile more easily. It helps you to be more polite and also to work better and play more happily. Your whole day will be more fun after you have enjoyed a good breakfast.

Why do you need food
We need food for()

W: Good morning. What can I do for you
M: I’d like to change 200 U.S. dollars.

What did the man want to do ()
A. Cash a check.
B. Open an account.
C. Change some money.
D. Make a deposit.

M: Good morning, can I help you
W: Good morning, I want to open a savings account.

Where did this conversation most probably take place ()
A. In a cinema.
B. In a library.
C. In a store.
D. In a bank.

M: Good morning. Will you book a plane ticket to Lon don for me
W: Yes, sir. What time would you like to leave
M: Next Tuesday, if possible.
W: That’ Il be the 21st of December.
M: Yes, that’s right.
W: There are several flights available.
M: Would you check what flights are available on the 21st of December
W: All right. Let me check it over.
M: Morning flights will be perfect.
W: Yes, sir. There is a flight available on that day, at 10:00 a. m.
M: Fine. I’ll take that flight, then.
W: 10:00 a.m. I’ll fix your ticket.
M: When do I check in
W: You must be there by 9:00 a. m.
M: Thank you.

What does the conversation talk about ()
A. Booking a theatre ticket.
B. Reserving a room.
C. Booking an air ticket.
D. Reserving a seat.

W: Good morning Lin. Are you going back to your hometown Hunan for Spring Festival
M: I intend to spend my festival here in Guangzhou.
W: Well, you can come to the New Year party for students from other provinces on campus.
M: That must be excellent! When and where will the party be given
W: January 14th, at the Arts Center.
M: Thank you. I think that would be a wonderful night!
W: You’re welcome. See you.

Where does this conversation take place ()
A. In Hunan.
B. In Beijing.
C. In Guangzhou.
D. In Sichuan.

W: Good evening. How many of you are there
M: There are three of us. we’ d like a table for three.
W: This way, please.
M: May I have a menu, please
W: Here you are.
M: Yes, I’ll have this steak.
W: How do you want your steak: rare, or well done
M: Rare, please.
W: What would you like to drink
M: Coffee.
W: And what would you like for dessert
M: Ice cream.
W: What kind of ice cream do you like
M: Strawberry.

What’s the relationship between the two speakers ()
A. Wife and husband.
B. Waiter and customer.
C. Shop assistant and customer.
D. Friends.


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