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发布时间:2023-10-11 20:18:02

[填空题]One more important area should be considered is anti-theft equipment.

更多"One more important area should be c"的相关试题:

[填空题]One more important area should be considered is anti-theft equipment.

[单项选择]Though considered as one of the most important poets in America today,()
A. a number of novels and plays have also been written by him
B. he has also written a number of novels and plays
C. a number of his novels and plays have been written
D. there have been a number of novels and plays written by him
[单项选择]You should () to one or more weekly magazines such as Time or Newsweek.
A. ascribe
B. order
C. reclaim
D. subscribe
[填空题]Why are newspapers considered as an important medium according to the passage
[单项选择]Have you ever considered what an important part work plays in our general lifestyle For most of us, our jobs are the main things that motivate and direct us, and around which we organize our lives. Perhaps this stress on work began with our puritan forebears, who believed that the best way to serve God was through honest hard work, or perhaps our fundamental belief in work stems from a time when this country was young and we needed people who believed in hard work to carry out the arduous business of pioneering. Whatever the reason, it is undeniable that work is important to us. Think about the situation that arises when you meet someone and try to learn more about him or her. An early question is very frequently something such as, "what do you do" or "Where do you work" This kind of question usually follows "What’s your name" and is now so common with us that we do not stop to wonder why we ask it.
But, you know, it is very possible that in the future the question will disappear,
A. They were divided according to the games they played.
B. They were known primarily by the work they did.
C. They had strong belief in honest hard work.
D. They had a great deal more free time than we do now.
[简答题]What is the least important factor considered By a rich customer in a fashion shop

[填空题]The book has more than one author.


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