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发布时间:2024-07-05 04:52:30




Vacancy announcement-Accounting Officer

Job title: Accounting Officer
Location: Wageningen, the Netherlands
Employment: Full-time, international position; possibility to start under a consultancy contract
Area: Agricultural science and development
Education: University degree in accountancy
Experience: 5 years of professional experience in accounting in a similar position
Applications are invited from citizens of the European Union Member States or of the 78 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States. Interested candidates should send their applications to the CTA, in Wageningen (the Netherlands). The CTA applies an equal opportunities policy.
Employment package
A range of benefits, including private pension and health insurance scheme will support an attractive, largely taxexempt salary.
Qualifying candidates are i
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn’t say
[单项选择]The Chief Financial Officer of Large Closeouts Inc. (LCI) determines that the firm must engage in capital rationing for its capital budgeting projects. Which of the following describes the most likely reason for LCI to use capital rationing LCI:()
A. has a limited amount of funds to invest.
B. would like to arrange projects so that investing in a project today provides the option to accept or reject certain future projects.
C. must choose between projects that compete with one another.
[填空题]According to the former air force officer, people who have little control over their own life would inevitably feel like a failure.

[单项选择]Lynn Moody is an investment officer at the Lester Trust Company (LTC). If a current or former client of LTC has not permitted the disclosure of confidential information and disclosure of clients' confidential information does not conflict with local law, which of the following statements is most accurate According to the Professional Conduct Standards, a member will breach his duties by disclosing confidential client information that relates to:()
A. an individual client who ended the client relationship with LTC ten years ago.
B. illegal activities on the part of an individual who is a current client of LTC.
C. information requested by the CFA Institute Professional Conduct Program during the course of an investigation into that member's conduct by designed officer.

Mark Hill is a traffic police officer in Watford, near London. He works on some of the busiest motorways in Britain, the M1 and the M25.
There are traffic police on duty 24 hours a day. There are three shifts, and each shift is eight hours. On average they have to deal with three to four accidents each shift. Here is Mark Hill talking about his job:
"We deal with anyone in the accidents who is injured. That’s the first thing. Then we have to clear the road and get the traffic moving again.
"Most accidents happen because people drive too fast—especially when the roads are wet. Sometimes we get accidents that occur because drivers don’t follow the rules. For example, I’ve seen a number of cases of drivers overtaking on the left. This is illegal in Britain. If you want to overtake, you have to go into the fast lane on the right.
"Not everyone can use a motorway in Britain. People that ride a bicycle or a small motorbike are no
A. people like driving in the fast lane
B. roads are often wet in London
C. pedestrians do not follow traffic rules
D. some drivers overtake on the left
[单项选择]One day a police officer managed to get some fresh mushrooms(蘑菇). He was so (36) what he had bought that he offered to (37) the mushrooms with his brother officer. When their breakfast arrived (38) , each officer found some mushrooms on his plate.
"Let the dog (39) a piece first , "suggested one (40) officer then began to eat their meal, saying that the mushrooms had who was afraid that the mushroons (41) be poisonous.
The dog seemed to (42) his mushroom and the officers a very strange (43) quite pleasant taste.
An hour (44) ,however, they were all astonished (45) the gardener rushed in and said (46) that the dog was dead. (47) ,the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to the (48) hospital. Pumps(洗胃器)were used and the officers had a very (49) time getting rid of the mushrooms that (50) in their stomachs.
When they (51) to
A. frightened
B. shy
C. cheerful
D. careful
[简答题]A police officer in a small town stopped a motorist who was speeding down Main Street. "But officer," the man said, "I can explain." "Just be quiet!" snapped the officer. "Or I’m going to let you cool off in jail until the chief gets back." "But officer, I just wanted to say... " "And I said KEEP QUIET! Now you’re going to jail!" A few hours later, the officer checked up on his prisoner and said," Lucky for you the chief is at his daughter’s wedding. He’ll be in a great mood when he gets here. " "Don’t count on it," said the prisoner. "I’m the groom; he is my father-in-law. /


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