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发布时间:2024-07-28 21:19:06

[填空题]______ Ellen can afford the new rent.

更多"______ Ellen can afford the new ren"的相关试题:

[填空题]______ Ellen can afford the new rent.
[填空题]Students who can’t afford tuition can ______(申请贷款).

[填空题]______ Karen agrees that Ellen can stay at her place for a while.

[填空题]I can afford (buy) ______ a new house in the city centre.
[单项选择]We can scarcely afford to neglect airport security in light of the recent terrorist actions, but as a reliable contingent of critics has pointed out, the cost of actually implementing these measures remains a______expense.
A. feasible
B. prohibitive
C. suitable
D. negligible
E. mandatory
Can New Doctors Be Harmflul to Your Health

Between the nerves, the unfamiliarity and the urge to impress, few people do themselves justice on the first day of a new job. When it comes to doctors starting out in emergency medicine, though, are patients’ lives being put at risk According to research from Imperial College London, the death rate among patients admitted to English hospitals on the first Wednesday in August -the day, traditionally, that newly graduated doctors take up their posts--was, on average, 6% higher than for those admitted the last Wednesday in July. An influx of new medical staff, in other words, just might be very, very bad for your health.
In the university’ s study (the biggest of its kind so far), published Sept. 23 in PLoS One, the online scientific journal of the U. S. Public Library of Science, scientists analyzed close to 300,000 patients admitted to state - run hospitals across England on those two Wednes
A. It is a monthly scientific journal.
B. It is an online scientific journal.
C. It is all online medical journal.
D. It is the same as the U. S. Public Library of Scienc
Can New Doctors Be Harmflul to Your Health

Between the nerves, the unfamiliarity and the urge to impress, few people do themselves justice on the first day of a new job. When it comes to doctors starting out in emergency medicine, though, are patients’ lives being put at risk According to research from Imperial College London, the death rate among patients admitted to English hospitals on the first Wednesday in August -the day, traditionally, that newly graduated doctors take up their posts--was, on average, 6% higher than for those admitted the last Wednesday in July. An influx of new medical staff, in other words, just might be very, very bad for your health.
In the university’ s study (the biggest of its kind so far), published Sept. 23 in PLoS One, the online scientific journal of the U. S. Public Library of Science, scientists analyzed close to 300,000 patients admitted to state - run hospitals across
A. The last Wednesday in July
B. The first day of Augus
C. The last day of July.

[多项选择]How can new staff be helped to settle into their jobs (Why / Why not )
[填空题]People who can’t afford to travel watch films and TV.

[单项选择]Man: I really can’t afford any more interruptions right now. I’ve got to finish the assignment.
Woman: Sorry. Just one more thing, could you give me a ride to school tomorrow
Question: What can be inferred from the conversation( ).
A. The man will drive the woman to school.
B. The man has finished his assignment.
C. The man is willing to help the woman.
D. The man is losing patience with the woman.
Low-carbon Future:We Can Afford to Go Green

Tackling climate change will cost consumers the earth.Those who campaign for a green revolution are out to destroy our western lifestyles.Such are the cries of opponents of emissions cuts,and their message has political impact:a number of surveys have found that the enthusiasm of voters for policies to reduce climate change falls off as the price tag increases.
However,a new modelling(模型化)exercise suggests that these fears are largely unfounded.It projects that radical cuts to the UK’s emissions will cause barely noticeable increases in the price of food,drink and most other goods by 2050.Electricity and petrol costs will rise significantly,but with the right policies in place,say the modellers,this need not lead to big changes in our lifestyle.
"these results show that the global project to fight climate change is feasible,"says Alex Bowen,a climate policy expert at


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