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发布时间:2023-10-09 04:50:12

[填空题]Formed from the gum of pines, amber is carbonized wood product.

更多"Formed from the gum of pines, amber"的相关试题:

[填空题]Formed from the gum of pines, amber is carbonized wood product.

[填空题]Amber(琥珀) formation and use / resin (树脂)amber produces resin to protect itself against __________ and fungi(琥珀形成原因:有虫灾、虫害才有琥珀)
[填空题]Among the places that produced amber in Tertiary times, Poinar is most interested in_________.

[填空题]It is wrong to believe that amber is the fossilized resin of coniferous trees.

[单项选择]What's the purpose of the Amber Alert program
A. To report the number of children missing in the U.S. every year.
B. To help find the children who are believed to have been abducted.
C. To find out the reasons why children are kidnapped in the U.S.
[单项选择]A child with leukemia presents with peteehiae; gums, lips, and nose that bleed easily; and bruising on various parts of her body. Which of the following laboratory test results would the nurse correlate with these findings
A. Platelet count of 80×103/mm3.
B. Serum calcium level of 5 mg/dL.
C. Fibrinogen level of 75 mg/dL.
D. Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) of 38 seconds.

When Amber Post started graduate school in physics at Princeton, her goal was the same as her male colleagues’: a teaching post at a major university. Now with her Ph.D. just a year away, Post is thinking instead about working for a policy-marking agency in Washington. Although Princeton, with Shirley Tilghman as the president, is welcoming to female scientists, Post senses that her reception in the larger academic world might be chillier. At famous universities, the percentage of women earning doctor’s degrees in science and engineering is considerably higher than the percent-age of women professors—which means that a lot of talented women Ph.D. s like Post leave campus for jobs in government or industry instead of climbing the teaching ladder.
Stopping this female brain drain has been a challenge for years. At a recent academic conference, Harvard president Lawrence Summers suggested that women aren’t succeeding because they lack ability in math
A. it is the usual goal of the Ph. D. students at Princeton
B. she is doubtful about her future in the academic world
C. it is difficult to get a teaching post at major universities
D. she fears that she may not graduate with a Ph.D. degree

[填空题]Amber was more valuable in Victorian times than in the times of Peter the Great.

[填空题]Amber(琥珀) formation and use / resin (树脂)The ancient Greek believes that water and air found in the ammber was trapped __________ .
[填空题]Amber(琥珀) formation and use / resin (树脂)Some resin has colors because it was formed from __________ and mineral in soil.
[填空题]Amber(琥珀) formation and use / resin (树脂)When it was mingle with powder and __________ , the medicine can prevent the disease such a plague.
[填空题]Amber(琥珀) formation and use / resin (树脂)It can be used to make jeweler, necklace, but should be set in __________ settings.
[填空题]Amber(琥珀) formation and use / resin (树脂)It is often formed in the __________ .
[填空题]Amber(琥珀) formation and use / resin (树脂)The mid-product copal was formed during __________ stage
[填空题]Because of his book on biology of amber, Puinar is regarded as an__________.


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