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发布时间:2023-10-12 02:28:34

[填空题]Amber(琥珀) formation and use / resin (树脂)It is often formed in the __________ .

更多"Amber(琥珀) formation and use / resin"的相关试题:

[填空题]Amber(琥珀) formation and use / resin (树脂)amber produces resin to protect itself against __________ and fungi(琥珀形成原因:有虫灾、虫害才有琥珀)
[填空题]Amber(琥珀) formation and use / resin (树脂)Some resin has colors because it was formed from __________ and mineral in soil.
[填空题]Amber(琥珀) formation and use / resin (树脂)The ancient Greek believes that water and air found in the ammber was trapped __________ .
[填空题]Amber(琥珀) formation and use / resin (树脂)The conditions to form amber include pressure, __________ and time.
[填空题]Amber(琥珀) formation and use / resin (树脂)When it was mingle with powder and __________ , the medicine can prevent the disease such a plague.
[填空题]Amber(琥珀) formation and use / resin (树脂)It can be used to make jeweler, necklace, but should be set in __________ settings.
[填空题]Amber(琥珀) formation and use / resin (树脂)Here is a special one in every __________ .
[填空题]Amber(琥珀) formation and use / resin (树脂)The mid-product copal was formed during __________ stage
A. 镇心安神
B. 潜阳安神
C. 定惊安神
D. 养心安神
E. 宁心安神
[单项选择]Passage Four
Global climate change, often seen as a process stretching over thousands of years, could in fact occur abruptly and unexpectedly-quickly pushing up temperatures by as much as 18 degrees Fahrenheit and wreaking havoc(大破坏,浩劫) on human society, scientists warned on Wednesday.
"Climate change is not always smooth. Sometimes it is abrupt," said Richard Alley, a climate expert at Pennsylvania State University and lead author of a new National Academy of Sciences report on the threat of rapid climatic shifts.
"If you have a very large, abrupt change, a lot of people and a lot of ecosystems are going to notice," he said."The bigger and faster it is, the harder it will be to deal with."
The new National Academy of Sciences report, released this week, warns that gradual global warming coupled with other human impacts on the envir
A. sudden world climate change
B. gradual global warming
C. long-term influence of climate shift
D. political havoc on human society
[填空题]The things that are taught in history classes often tell us how countries and people ______.
[填空题]Some people cannot learn in ordinary schools. Often some physical or{{U}} (36) {{/U}}handicap prevents a child from learning. In education today new methods are being used in special schools to help the handicapped learn. {{U}} (37) {{/U}}the many interesting schools for handicapped persons, there is one which is being{{U}} (38) {{/U}}in the southern part of New Jersey, U. S. A. It is called the Bancroft Community. Here handicapped young{{U}} (39) {{/U}}will be trained to support themselves and to get along in the {{U}} (40) {{/U}}world. The Bancroft Community is not{{U}} (41) {{/U}}by walls of any kind. Its director{{U}} (42) {{/U}}that it be open so that students may gradually develop{{U}} (43) {{/U}}relations with the rest of the world. Ban croft Community students{{U}} (44) {{/U}}Gradually, as they become able, they will buy their own furniture, paying for it out of their own earnings. They will pay rent and pay for their food, too.{{U}} (45) {{/U}}.


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