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发布时间:2023-10-11 12:21:45

[简答题]{{B}}Discussion topic: Advertising{{/B}} {{I}}Example questions:{{/I}} · What kinds of advertising can you find in your everyday life · Do you think that there is too much advertising in our lives · Do you think that certain products are better advertised in particular ways · Many people find advertising informative. Others claim it just creates demand for unnecessary products and services. What do you think · What controls should there be on advertising

更多"{{B}}Discussion topic: Advertising"的相关试题:

The more I learn, the more ignorant I find myself to be.

[简答题]Discussion topic:
{{I}}Example questions:{{/I}}
· How much do you think that TV influences our lives
· Do you think that children watch too much TV
· Do you think that there is too much advertising on TV
· Is there too much violence on TV in your country
· Are many foreign TV programmes shown in your country
[简答题]{{B}}Discussion topic: Sport{{/B}} {{I}}Example questions:{{/I}} · What kinds of sports are popular in your country now, but weren’t popular 20 years ago · Do you think that young people spend too much time studying, watching TV, and playing on computers rather than getting exercise and playing sports · How can playing sports help us in other aspects of our lives · Which sports do you think will become more popular in the future · Compare the kinds of sports that men and women prefer.
[多项选择]Topic: The More I Learn, the More Ignorant I Find Myself to Be
[填空题]I left a message, saying that I needed him with extreme (urge)()
[单项选择]( ) I should fail again, I will not give up the experiment.
A. Even so
B. Although
C. Even if
D. Though
[单项选择]I was out of town at the time, so I do not know exactly how it ______.
A. was happening
B. happened
C. happens
D. has happened

W: What can I do for you
M: I’d like to exchange this sweater.
W: What seems to be the matter
M: Well, you see I got this as a birthday present, but it’s the wrong size, and what’s more, I really don’t like the color.
W: Do you have the receipt
M: Yes.
W: Can I have a look at it, please
M: Certainly.

Where does the conversation probably take place( ).
A. In a friend’s house.
B. In a shop.
C. At a party.
[填空题]During World War I1, some jobs which previously excluded women were open to them.
[简答题]Topic Nowadays education innovation is going on in lots of universities. In your opinion, what are the most desirable qualities of a good college teacher Support your argument with specific reasons.
{{B}}Text 1{{/B}}
A consumer survey examining the children’s and teenager’s book markets was conducted by Bruno & Ridgeway for PW and BookExpo America in June. A nationally representative sample was randomly surveyed by telephone. In the case of teens, a portion of the sample was interviewed at mails across the country.
The sample interviewed consisted of 400 adults who had purchased a children’s book within the past three months and 100 teen book buyers in two age categories, younger teen (ages 12-14)and older teens(ages 15-17) ,who had bought a book in the past three months.
Of the adult sample, 62%of the children’s book purchasers were female, 38% male. The sample covered a full range of age groups; 22% were 18-19 years old, 28% were 30-44 years old and 50% were 45 years old and older. Most were married (79%); 21% were single, div
A. The survey was conducted by Bruno & Ridgeway.
B. The survey is serving for PW and BookExpo America.
C. The target consumers are children.
D. Some teenagers were interviewed.
[单项选择]{{B}}Passage 3{{/B}}
Cotton was not exported to Europe until the eighth century A. D.. It was brought to Spain then by the Moors of North Africa. The Europeans liked this textile and began to make cotton cloth. By the fifteenth century, the cotton industry had spread from Spain to central Europe and the Low Countries.
When Columbus arrived in the West Indies, he found the Indians wearing cotton clothes. Pizarro, the Spanish conqueror of Peru, found that the Incas were growing cotton for use in the making of clothes. Magellan found the Brazilians swinging in cotton hammocks. And Cortes was so impressed by the beauty the cotton tapestries and rugs that the Aztecs made, that he sent some of them as presents to King Charles Ⅱ of Spain.
The Chinese were the first people to make silk clothing, and, for more than 2000 years, they were the only
A. Because it was strong.
B. Because it was cheap.
C. Because it was expensive and only nobles could wear clothes made by silk.
D. Because it was like iron.


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