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发布时间:2024-01-12 05:14:58

A firm’s cash flows can be divided into cash flow from: (1) operating activities (2) investment activities, and (3) financing activities. The operation activity cash flows are cash flows--inflows and outflows--directly related to origination and sale of the financial firm’s assets and to operating costs such as general market activities, security trading activities, interest received and foreclosed collateral. Investment activity cash flows are cash flows and financial investments. Clearly, purchase transactions would result in cash outflows whereas sales transaction would generate cash inflows. The financing activity cash flows result from debt and equity financing transactions. Borrowing and repaying either short - term debt or long - term debt would result in a corresponding cash inflow or outflow. Similarly, the sale of common or preferred stock would
A. assets and liabilities
B. sources and uses of cash
C. items of interest income
D. dividends paid

更多"A firm’s cash flows can be divided "的相关试题:

A firm’s cash flows can be divided into cash flow from: (1) operating activities (2) investment activities, and (3) financing activities. The operation activity cash flows are cash flows--inflows and outflows--directly related to origination and sale of the financial firm’s assets and to operating costs such as general market activities, security trading activities, interest received and foreclosed collateral. Investment activity cash flows are cash flows and financial investments. Clearly, purchase transactions would result in cash outflows whereas sales transaction would generate cash inflows. The financing activity cash flows result from debt and equity financing transactions. Borrowing and repaying either short - term debt or long - term debt would result in a corresponding cash inflow or outflow. Similarly, the sale of common or preferred stock would
A. net profit after taxes
B. retained earning s of a given period
C. the firm’s cash position of given period
D. financial position of the firm
[单项选择]Passage 2 A firm’s cash flows can be divided into cash flow from(1) operating activities,(2)investment activities, and(3)financing activities, The operation activity cash flows are cash flows-inflows and outflows-directly related to origination and sale of the financial firm’s assets and to operating costs such as general market activities , security trading activities, interest received and foreclosed collateral, Investment activity cash flows are cash flows and financial investments. Clearly, purchase transactions would result in cash outflows where as sales transactions would generate cash inflows, The financing activity cash flows result from debt and equity financing transactions. Borrowing and repaying either short-term debt or long-term debt would result in a corresponding cash inflow or outflow. Similarly , the sale of common or preferred stock would result in a cash inflow shereas the repurchase of stock or payment of cash dividends would result in a financing outflow. Summa
A. net profit after taxes
B. retained earnings of a given period
C. the firm’s cash position of a given period
D. financial position of the firm
[单项选择]If a firm announces an unexpectedly large cash dividend, the efficient market hypothesis (EMH) would predict which of the following price changes at the announcement()
A. An abnormal price change to occur before the announcement.
B. An abnormal price change to occur at the time of the announcement.
C. A gradual price change to occur for several weeks after the announcement.
[单项选择]Generally, the culture of any firm can be described as principally action-orientated, people-orientated or system-orientated. That is to say, the behavior that the managers exhibit tends to emphasize one of these three approaches to leadership and management.
In successful firms where leadership is action-orientated, the culture is generally driven by one or a handful of managers who present a strong vision for the firm and lead by example. The emphasis is on getting things done, on driving for change. Such leaders constantly infuse energy throughout the firm and reinforce it through training that emphasizes individual action, showing initiative, taking considered risks and stressing individual output and results. It is a dynamic culture that rests on individuals being motivated to rise to the challenges of the business and being willing to take on responsibilities, often beyond what is considered their normal role.
The downside is that the approach can be somewhat ’one-sided
[单项选择]A firm pays accrued wages with cash. Assuming a current ratio and a quid (acid test) ratio that are both greater than 1.0, what will be the impact on the current ratio, the quick ratio and net income Current ratio Quick ratio Net income()①A. Decrease Decrease Decrease ②B. Decrease Increase Increase ③C. Increase Increase Stay the same
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
[单项选择]Under the cash basis of accounting, a firm recognizes revenues from selling goods and providing Services in the period when it receives cash from customers. It reports (19) in the period when it makes cash expenditures for merchandise, salaries, insurance, taxes, and (20) items. To illustrate the measurement of performance under the cash basis of accounting, consider the following example.
Donald and Joanne Allens open a hardware store on January 1, Year 1. The firm receives $20,000 (21) cash from the Aliens and borrows $12,000 from a local bank. It must repay the loan on June 30, Year 1, with interest charged (22) the rate of 12 percent per year. The firm rents a store building on January 1, and pays 2 months’ rent of $4,000 (23) . On January 1, it also pays the premium of $ 2,400 for property and liability insurance coverage for the year (24) December 31, Year 1. During January it acquires merchandise costing $40,000, (25) it purch
A. treat as
B. pay for
C. pay back
D. treat


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