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发布时间:2024-07-10 21:57:38

[简答题]In January this year we placed the order for plastic containers. The deadline (最后期限) of March 31 has now passed and there still is no information as to when delivery is to be expected. If any losses occur to us caused by your late delivery, you shall have to be responsible for them.

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[简答题]In January this year we placed the order for plastic containers. The deadline (最后期限) of March 31 has now passed and there still is no information as to when delivery is to be expected. If any losses occur to us caused by your late delivery, you shall have to be responsible for them.

Last year we visited a large modem factory where they make window glass. We first saw workmen mixing sand and other materials together in the right amounts. Then they added some broken glass to the mixture as this helps it to melt. They then fed the mixture into a big hot oven. At the far end of the oven, a stream of liquid glass came out. Here some men lowered a metal frame into the liquid. As the frame came up, it pulled away a hot sheet of glass. Special rollers took hold of the sheet at either side and carried it upwards. Our guide told us that at this stage it was necessary for the glass to cool slowly as this would make it very strong. At a height of 30 feet, the sheet of glass became cool and another machine cut it into big pieces which workmen stored away together. The glass was now ready for use.

What sort of factory did we visit last year( ).

Last year we visited a large modem factory where they make window glass. We first saw workmen mixing sand and other materials together in the right amounts. Then they added some broken glass to the mixture as this helps it to melt. They then fed the mixture into a big hot oven. At the far end of the oven, a stream of liquid glass came out. Here some men lowered a metal frame into the liquid. As the frame came up, it pulled away a hot sheet of glass. Special rollers took hold of the sheet at either side and carried it up wards. Our guide told us that at this stage it was necessary for the glass to cool slowly as this would make it very strong. At a height of 30 feet, the sheet of glass became cool and another machine cut it into big pieces which workmen stored away together. The glass was now ready for use.

What sort of factory did we visit last year
Last year we visited a()
[简答题]By the end of last year we _________over 2,000 English phrases.
[单项选择]Passage Two
One year ago we stared aghast at images of the Southeast Asian tsunami. Video cameras taken on vacation to record the everyday pleasures of the beach were suddenly turned to quivering utility as they documented the panic and mayhem of a natural disaster. Who can forget the disbelief in the recorded voices This can’t be happening to us. Human beings are never prepared for natural disasters. There is a kind of optimism built into our species that seems to prefer to live in the comfortable present rather than confront the possibility of destruction, It may happen, we seem to believe, but not now, and not to us. Mount Vesuvius has been erupting since historical records began. The eruption of A. D. 79 both destroyed Pompeii and preserved it for posterity. Pliny the Younger starkly recorded the details in prose that can still be read as a
A. they believe that all preparation is useless for disasters
B. they believe that disasters will never happen to them
C. they believe that gods are helpful when disasters happen
D. none of these
[填空题]What could we do if you order in this month
We could ______.

[单项选择]Once we get these details in order, we should be ready to present our final report to the president.
A. 一旦我们把这些细节问题整理好,就应该可以把最终报告呈交给董事长了。
B. 一旦将这些具体细节处理妥当,我们就要准备需呈交给董事长的最后报告。
C. 一旦我们有条不紊地落实好订货单,就应该去准备呈交董事长的总结报告。
D. 一旦收到详细的订单,我们就应着手准备董事长要做的最后的决算报告了。


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