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发布时间:2024-01-08 00:18:43

[填空题]Bipolar disorder has four types because ______ show up differently in different people.

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[填空题]Bipolar disorder has four types because ______ show up differently in different people.

[填空题]Bipolar disorder is characterized by cycling mood changes. Most[y, such changes are gradual.
[单项选择]A client in the manic phase of bipolar disorder constantly belittles other clients and demands special favors from the nurses. Which nursing intervention would be most appropriate for this client
A. Ask other clients and staff members to ignore the client’s behavior.
B. Set limits with consequences for belittling or demanding behavior.
C. Offer the client an antianxiety drug when belittling or demanding behavior occurs.
D. Offer the client a variety of stimulating activities to distract him from belittling or making demands of others.
[单项选择]Mr. W is with bipolar disorder, manic phase, with a nursing diagnosis of Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements. In order to help the client meet recommended daily allowances of nutrients, which of the following nursing interventions should be included in the plan of care
A. Tell the client to sit alone at mealtime so that he won’t be distracted by others.
B. Teach the client about proper nutrition.
C. Give the client half of a meat and cheese sandwich between meals.
D. Inform the client that snacks are available only if he eats properly at mealtim
[简答题]Title: 食草动物 Question types: 选择题; Matching; Short Answer 大致内容 第一篇讲bovid生物,说了这种动物的基本概况,比如分布在哪里,还有size,还讲了它的几个sub-families。开始是3道选择题,在文章前半部分能找到,第一道题问这种动物在哪里分布得最多,选southeast Asia;第二道题答案很容易找;第三题问这种动物的共性是什么,答案是他们把未消化的食物储存在肚子里(原文说stomach,题目里是body)。第二个题型是特殊定位词配对,有NB,几个sub-families和他们的特征配对,很好找,因为这几个属种都是大写,在文章中一个定位词在一段。第三个题型是简答题,有问体型最小的种类是什么,什么可以帮助某种类奔跑运动,什么种类已经灭绝。
[单项选择]Passage Four
Why has the kiwi survived while its relatives the moas have become extinct One reason, I think, is that it has adopted nocturnal(夜间活动的) habits. Kiwis are not normally about in the daytime. During the daylight hours they lie up in hiding, where enemies have no hope of finding them. Their coloration protects them; the strange drab(黄褐色的) feathering, so unlike that of most birds, gives them a cloak(伪装)of invisibility while they sleep. And when night falls, out they come to scratch in the ground and find worms and feed to their hearts’ content.
They couldn’t do that so effectively if they didn’t have another peculiarity that I have not mentioned yet. The nostrils(鼻孔) of most birds open high up near the base of the beak(猛禽的嘴), but the kiwi wears his nostrils right near the tip of the long bill. That’s good for a bird that feeds in th
A. it stays out of sight and sleeps during the day
B. it usually goes from place to place during the day
C. it changes the colour of its feather in the daytime
D. it is caught and eaten by its enemy in the daytime
[单项选择]A. Because he is busy. B. Because he has to get a report.
C. Because his boss needs him. D. Because he hasn’t run out of bread.
[单项选择] New dictionaries are needed because English has changed more in the past two generations than at any other time in its history. It has had to adapt to extraordinary cultural and technological changes, two world wars, unparalleled changes in transportation and communication, and unprecedented (史无前例的) movements of populations. More subtly, but pervasively, it has changed under the influence of mass education and the growth of democracy. As written English is used by increasing millions and for more reasons than ever before, the language has become more utilitarian (功利的, 实利的) and more informal. Every publication in America today includes pages that would appear, to the purist of forty years ago, unbuttoned gibberish (莫名其妙的). Not that they are; they simply show that you can’’t hold the language of one generation up as a model for the next. It’’s not that you mustn’’t. You can’’t. For example, in the issue in which Life stated editorially that it would follow the Second Intern
A. Because the publishing house wants to earn more money.
B. Because there are many changes in English in order to adapt to great changes in the past forty years.
C. Because the old version of dictionaries were destroyed in two world wars.
D. Because there are lots of cultural movements in the world.
[填空题]People enjoy shopping there because it has modern shops, together with the atmosphere of a (tradition)()street market.


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