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发布时间:2023-10-27 03:39:06

[简答题]abusive translation

更多"abusive translation"的相关试题:

A Translation services
B Maps and plans - paper and other media
C Multimedia - electronic publishing
D Music publishing - CDs, audio and video cassettes
E Plastic cards - credit cards, ID cards, etc.
F Business publishing - corporate brochures, documents, etc.
G Design of promotional stickers, labels and signs
H Technical publishing - product manuals, etc.

Foresight, a manufacturer of audio equipment, is launching a new range of CD players and needs accompanying instruction booklets.
A Translation services
B Maps and plans - paper and other media
C Multimedia - electronic publishing
D Music publishing - CDs, audio and video cassettes
E Plastic cards - credit cards, ID cards, etc.
F Business publishing - corporate brochures, documents, etc.
G Design of promotional stickers, labels and signs
H Technical publishing - product manuals, etc.
Ream plc, a manufacturer of computer hardware, wants a restyled logo for its new range of laser printers.
[单项选择]Foreign currency translation adjustments are most likely reported in the company’s:()
A. income statement.
B. statement of cash flows.
C. statement of stockholders’ equity.
Professional Translation in the 21st Century

[简答题] Passage Translation 1 Spending your vacation in a foreign country is horrible. First, you have to start early and become increasingly anxious with each passing day. When everything is OK and you really set off,you may find yourself in a car for hours. It is hot and you’re thirsty. And finally when you arrive at your destination, you’re in a strange place with strange people around. You’re confused and lost. You may be a little curious or a little excited, but as a matter of fact, very, very tired.
[简答题] Passage Translation 2 If your great grandparents were born in a rich country in the early 1900s, their lifespan would have been about 50. Today people in developed countries have a life expectancy of 80 or more. This is because the improvements of public health, such as running water and flushing toilets and then medical care. But these improvements have mostly benefited richer nations. There are still places in the world that don’t have clean water, enough food and enough doctors. So people there often suffer from famine and disease.
[填空题]Which translation is closer to the original English about the bridge’s color _________________________.
[填空题]The Grammer-Translation Method believes that grammar is the ______ of language, and language materials are arranged according to the grammar system.
[填空题]According to the interview, what does translation of information mean
A. A.Information of different languages was translated into English
B.Users can acquire and understand the information
C.Information on products of software company is built into Web-based applications.


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