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发布时间:2024-07-28 05:35:50


Text 3

Whenever I see anyone buying a National Lottery ticket I want to stop them and ask if they know just where their money is going.
The lottery money is supposed to go to charity—but it makes me angry to see some of the socalled "good causes" it’s being used to support. Also, Camelot, the organizers, have made a profit of £3 10.8 million in five months. We hear now that a lot of that money is boosting the pay packets of the company’s bosses.
For the past 10 years I’ve been helping to raise funds for a cancer research charity called Tenovus. My husband, Sandy, died from cancer 11 years ago—he was only 51. There’s been a long line of deaths in our family through cancer and it’s been devastating. I’ve also lost two sisters-in-law, my brother, Michael, my father-in-law and my father. That’s apart from several close friends.
The charity is 50 years old now and raises
A. the writer is enthusiastically supporting the National Lottery
B. the writer has objections to the National Lottery
C. the writer believes that the lottery money should be used for cancer research
D. the writer is just expressing her feelings about collecting money for charity

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Text 3

Whenever I see anyone buying a National Lottery ticket I want to stop them and ask if they know just where their money is going.
The lottery money is supposed to go to charity—but it makes me angry to see some of the socalled "good causes" it’s being used to support. Also, Camelot, the organizers, have made a profit of £3 10.8 million in five months. We hear now that a lot of that money is boosting the pay packets of the company’s bosses.
For the past 10 years I’ve been helping to raise funds for a cancer research charity called Tenovus. My husband, Sandy, died from cancer 11 years ago—he was only 51. There’s been a long line of deaths in our family through cancer and it’s been devastating. I’ve also lost two sisters-in-law, my brother, Michael, my father-in-law and my father. That’s apart from several close friends.
The charity is 50 years old now and raises
A. people will spend more money on the National Lottery
B. people will give more money to charity
C. most of the lottery money will go to charity
D. most of the lottery money will be used for cancer research

[单项选择]TEXT C For anyone who doubts that the texting revolution is upon us, consider this: The average 13 - to 17-year-old sends and receives 3,339 texts a month—more than 100 per day, according to the Nielsen Co., the media research firm. Adults are catching up. People from ages 45 to 54 sent and received 323 texts a month in the second quarter of 2010, up 75% from a year ago, Nielsen says. Behind the texting explosion is a fundamental shift in how we view our mobile devices. That they are phones is increasingly beside the point. Part of what’s driving the texting surge among adults is the popularity of social media. Sites like Twitter, with postings of no more than 140 characters, are creating and reinforcing the habit of communicating in micro -bursts. Economics has much to do with texting’s popularity. Text messages cost carriers less than traditional mobile voice transmissions, and so they cost users less. Sprint Nextel has reconceived its Virgin Mobile brand t
A. introduction
B. comparison
C. explanation
D. transition
{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

Anyone who trains animals recognizes that human and animal perceptual capacities are different. For most humans, seeing is believing, although we do occasionally brood about whether we can believe our eyes. The other senses are largely ancillary; most of us do not know how we might go about either doubting or believing our noses. But for dogs, scenting is believing. A dog’s nose is to ours as the wrinkled surface of our complex brain is to the surface of an egg. A dog who did comparative psychology might easily worry about our consciousness or lack thereof, just as we worry about the consciousness of a squid.
We who take sight for granted can draw pictures of scent, but we have no language for doing it the other way about, no way to represent something visually familiar by means of actual scent. Most h
A. only those events experienced directly can be appreciated by the senses
B. for many human beings the senses of sights is the primary means of knowing about the world
C. smell is in many respects a more powerful sense than sight
D. people rely on at least one of their other senses in order to confirm what they see
{{B}}TEXT C{{/B}}

Why should anyone buy the latest volume in the ever-expanding Dictionary of National Biography I do not mean that it is bad, as the reviewers will agree. But it will cost you 65 pounds. And have you got the rest of volumes You need the basic 22 plus the largely decennial supplements to bring the total to 31. Of course, it will be answered, public and academic libraries want the new volume. After all, it adds 1,068 lives of people who escaped the net of the original compilers, Yet in 10 years’ time a revised version of the whole caboodle, called the New Dictionary of National Biography, will be published. Its editor, Professor Colin Matthew, tells me that he will have room for about 50,000 lives, some 13,000 more than in the current DN B, This rather puts the 1,068 in Missing Persons in the shade.
A. because it is not worth the price.
B. because it has fewer entries than before.
C. unless one has all the volumes in his collection.
D. unless an expanded DNB will come out shortly.


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