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发布时间:2024-05-22 18:13:09

[单项选择]Passage 2 In most European countries, unemployment was low for many years after World War II, and bitter memories of parents and grandparents who had been out of work for long periods in the 1930s gradually disappeared from people’s minds.But in recent years it has once again become a serious problem. Newspapers usually take the number of people “unemployed” as a percentage of the registered working population.On the basis of these figures alone, they make comparisons with past experience and also between different countries.Such simplified calculations do not take into account technological developments that have made a large number of unskilled jobs unnecessary. When we compare our unemployment figures with those of the 1930s, we must remember that far more women work nowadays, and therefore register as unemployed if they lose their jobs, so governments have a greater task and responsibility. Comparisons between countries are also unreliable because of the percent
A. unfair
B. false
C. miscalculated
D. correct

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[单项选择]Passage 2 In most European countries, unemployment was low for many years after World War II, and bitter memories of parents and grandparents who had been out of work for long periods in the 1930s gradually disappeared from people’s minds.But in recent years it has once again become a serious problem. Newspapers usually take the number of people “unemployed” as a percentage of the registered working population.On the basis of these figures alone, they make comparisons with past experience and also between different countries.Such simplified calculations do not take into account technological developments that have made a large number of unskilled jobs unnecessary. When we compare our unemployment figures with those of the 1930s, we must remember that far more women work nowadays, and therefore register as unemployed if they lose their jobs, so governments have a greater task and responsibility. Comparisons between countries are also unreliable because of the percent
A. unemployment before World War II was low.
B. unemployment after World War II was high.
C. unemployment in the 1930s was high.
D. unemployment in the 1930s was low.
[单项选择]Passage Five
Most people who develop Lyme disease, a tick-borne infection that’s endemic in parts of the Northeast and Midwest, are easily cured by taking an antibiotic like doxycycline for a couple of weeks. But for years a debate has raged over what to do about patients whose symptoms (fatigue, mental confusion, joint pain) never seem to clear up. One small but vocal group of doctors and patient advocates believes that Lyme’s corkscrew-shaped spirochetes have tunneled deep into their victims’ bodies and can be eradicated only with intensive antibiotic treatment over many months. Another group believes, just as adamantly, that the bacteria are long gone, making further treatment with powerful antibiotics—which can lead to potentially fatal infections or blood clots—positively dangerous.
Now comes word of two studies in the New England Jour
A. is one of the contagious diseases
B. is spread by a kind of tiny bugs
C. causes infection all over the body
D. develops against any painkillers
Passage One

Most students arrive at college using" discrete, concrete and absolute categories to understand people, knowledge, and values. " These students live with a dualistic view, seeing "the world in polar terms of we-right-good vs. other-wrong-bad. " These students cannot acknowledge the existence of more than one point of view toward any issue. There is one "right" way. And because these absolutes are assumed by or imposed on the individual from external authority, they cannot be personally substantiated or authenticated by experience. These students are slaves to the generalizations of their authorities. An eye for an eye! Capital punishment is apt justice for murder. The Bible says so.
Most students break through the dualistic stage to another equally frustrating stage—multiplicity. Within this stage, students see a variety of ways to deal with any given topic or problem. H
A. Committed thinkers are not very sure of their positions.
B. Relativistic thinkers have learned how to make sense out of the world and have chosen their own positions in it.
C. Multiplicity thinkers have difficulty understanding the relationships between different points of view.
D. Dualistic thinkers have thought out the reasons for taking their positions.

[单项选择]Passage Three
Most people think of lions as strictly African beasts, but only because they’re been killed off almost everywhere else. Ten thousand years ago lions spanned vast sections of the globe. Now lions hold only a small fraction of their former habitat, and Asiatic lions, a subspecies that split from African lions perhaps 100,000 years ago, hang on to an almost impossibly small slice of their former territory.
India is the proud steward of these 300 or so lions, which live primarily in a 560-square-mile sanctuary (保护区). It took me a year and a half to get a permit to explore the entire Gir Forest--and no time at all to see why these lions became symbols of royalty and greatness. A tiger will hide in the forest unseen, but a lion stands its ground, curious and unafraid--lionhearted. Though they told me in subtle ways when I got too cl
A. have killed off other lions
B. have descended from African lions
C. used to span vast sections of the globe
D. have lost their habitat


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