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发布时间:2023-11-25 18:45:56

[判断题]Section B Peer Mediation (调节) on Campus Things have not gone well lately between Anna and Carly, two roommates in a dormitory at a Midwestern public university. Anna likes to stay up late, and Carly is not happy about being kept awake night after night. Carly spends hours each day talking on her cell phone, driving Anna "crazy" with all the chatter. Mutually annoyed, they have become distrustful, suspecting each other of stealing small personal items and reading private correspondence. This sort of conflict is so commonplace as to seem silly or trivial, but it could have serious consequences— bad grades, loss of personal confidence, and even perhaps physical violence. Colleges and universities have to take them seriously and try to resolve them. The old-school solution is simply to threaten the disputants with some disciplinary action if they don’t stop fighting. This approach wrongheadedly treats a personal conflict as a violation of the university rules. It may drive t

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[判断题]Section B Peer Mediation (调节) on Campus Things have not gone well lately between Anna and Carly, two roommates in a dormitory at a Midwestern public university. Anna likes to stay up late, and Carly is not happy about being kept awake night after night. Carly spends hours each day talking on her cell phone, driving Anna "crazy" with all the chatter. Mutually annoyed, they have become distrustful, suspecting each other of stealing small personal items and reading private correspondence. This sort of conflict is so commonplace as to seem silly or trivial, but it could have serious consequences— bad grades, loss of personal confidence, and even perhaps physical violence. Colleges and universities have to take them seriously and try to resolve them. The old-school solution is simply to threaten the disputants with some disciplinary action if they don’t stop fighting. This approach wrongheadedly treats a personal conflict as a violation of the university rules. It may drive t
[单项选择]IEEE802.11标准定义的Peer to Peer网络是______。
A. 一种需要AP支持的无线网络
B. 一种不需要有线网络和接入点支持的点对点网络
C. 一种采用特殊协议的有线网络
D. 一种高速骨干数据网络

Something extraordinary is happening in London this week: in Lambeth, one of the city’s poorest boroughs(区), 180 children are starting their secondary education in a brand new school. The state- funded school was set up by parents who were fed up with the quality of local education. In countries with more enlightened education systems, this would be unremarkable. In Britain, it is an amazing achievement by a bunch of desperate and determined people after years of struggle.
Britain’s schools are in a mess. Average standards are not improving despite billions in extra spending, and a stubbornly long tail of underachievers straggles(拖后腿) behind. A couple of years ago, a consensus emerged among reformers that councils had too much control and parents too little.
One might have expected more from the Conservatives, who stood for election on a pledge to bring in school vouchers. Yet the Tory policy group charged with thinking deep thoughts about public servi
A. The new school in Lambeth is financed by parents not satisfied with the local education.
B. Reformers recently agreed that parents had less control over British schools than the councils.
C. The establishment of this school is more remarkable in Britain than in some other countries.
D. British schools have managed to use a large sum to ameliorate the level of education.

[单项选择]Passage Four
Many things make people think artists are weird—the odd hours, the nonconformity, the clove cigarettes. However, the weirdest may be this: artists’ only jobs are to explore emotions, and yet they choose to focus on the ones that feel lousy. This wasn’t always so. The earliest forms of art, like painting and music, are those best suited for expressing joy. But somewhere in the 19th(上标) century, more artists began seeing happiness as insipid, phony or, worst of all, boring. In the 20th(上标) century, classical music became more atonal, visual art more unsettling.
Sure, there have been exceptions, but it would not be a stretch to say that for the past century or so, serious art has been at war with happiness. In 1824, Beethoven completed his "Ode to Joy". In 1962, novelist Anthoy Burgess used it in A Clockwork Orange as the favorite
A. musicians and novelists share similar artistic taste
B. violent people have a strong desire to be happy
C. serious art is often contradictory with happiness
D. music is enjoyed by good and bad people alike


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