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发布时间:2023-10-04 01:32:32


Jackie Chart is a world-famous film star. He hopes to use his name in doing his business well. Now his business covers almost everything from clothing to food.
Chan first got into business 20 years ago, but failed because he wasn’t a good businessman.
"I thought since I could make films, I could do business on my own, too. But I didn’t know how to calculate (计算), how much things I bought cost, bow much a month’s rent (租金) cost... So I lost (损失) several million, then millions again," he once told reporters. "Now I have asked some businessmen to help me. "
For now, Chan is still making the most of his money by making films. He is using the money made from business to help others, such as the poor and those children who have no money to go to school.
"But the money I made from jumping from the second floor—the money made by working hard... I’ll keep for myself. " he said with a smile on his f
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn’t Say

更多"Jackie Chart is a world-famous film"的相关试题:


Jackie Chart is a world-famous film star. He hopes to use his name in doing his business well. Now his business covers almost everything from clothing to food.
Chan first got into business 20 years ago, but failed because he wasn’t a good businessman.
"I thought since I could make films, I could do business on my own, too. But I didn’t know how to calculate (计算), how much things I bought cost, bow much a month’s rent (租金) cost... So I lost (损失) several million, then millions again," he once told reporters. "Now I have asked some businessmen to help me. "
For now, Chan is still making the most of his money by making films. He is using the money made from business to help others, such as the poor and those children who have no money to go to school.
"But the money I made from jumping from the second floor—the money made by working hard... I’ll keep for myself. " he said with a smile on his f
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn’t Say

[填空题]很遗憾 he didn’t go to see the film because he had to prepare for his exam.
[单项选择]He had entertained hopes of being admitted to a sight of the young ladies, ______ beauty he had heard much; but he saw only the father.
A. of whose
B. from whom
C. of their
D. from their
[单项选择]A. He will go to the film Saturday.
B. He will watch a basketball game on Saturday.
C. He will practice with the basketball team on Sunday.
D. He does not like to watch films.
[单项选择]Jackie McLean's recordings have shown that he is one of()few jazz musicians whose style of playing has kept()pace with()evolution of modern jazz.
A. /.../...the
B. the...a.../
C. /...a...an
D. the.../...the
[填空题]The Chinese film superstar once said that he would rather ______ (被人们当作普通人怀念而不是名人).

[简答题]Title: Film History Question types: Paragraph Heading; Matching; Multiple Choice 文章内容回顾 跟电影有关,从画->油画->无声电影->有声电影。6 LIST OF HEADING, 6 MATCHING, 最后一个推断选择。1893年,T.A.爱迪生发明电影视镜并创建“囚车”摄影场,被视为美国电影史的开端。1896年,维太放映机的推出开始了美国电影的群众性放映。19世纪末20世纪初,美国的城市工业发展和中下层居民迅速增多,电影成为适应城市平民需要的一种大众娱乐。它起先在歌舞游乐场内,随后进人小剧场,在剧目演出之后放映。1905年在匹兹堡出现的镍币影院(入场券为5美分镍币)很快遍及美国所有城镇,到1910年每周的电影观众多达3600万人次。当时影片都是单本一部的,产量每月400部,主要制片基地在纽约,如爱迪生公司、比沃格拉夫公司和维太格拉夫公司。1903年E.S.鲍特的《一个美国消防员的生活》和《火车大劫案》,使电影从一种新奇的玩艺儿发展为一门艺术。影片中使用了剪辑技巧,鲍特成为用交叉剪辑手法造成戏剧效果的第一位导演。电影收益高,竞争激烈。1897年,爱迪生即为争夺专利进行诉讼,到1908年,成立了由爱迪生控制的电影专利公司,公司拥有16项专利权。到1910年,电影专利公司垄断了美国电影的制作、发行和放映。独立制片商为摆脱专利公司的垄断,相继到远离纽约和芝加哥的洛杉机郊外小镇好莱坞去拍片,那里自然条件得天独厚,又临近墨西哥边境,一旦专利公司提出诉讼便可逃离。D.W.格里菲斯1907年加入比沃格拉夫公司,次年导演了第一部影片《陶丽历险记》。至1912年已为该公司摄制了近400部影片,把拍片重心逐渐移向好莱坞,并发现和培养了许多后来的名演员,如M.塞纳特、M.壁克馥和吉许姐妹等。第一次世界大战前夕,镍币影院逐渐被一些条件较好的电影院所代替;电影专利公司的垄断权势逐渐消失,终于在1915年正式解体。此时以格里菲斯为代表的一批新的电影艺术家已经出现。制片中心也从东海岸移到好莱坞。第一次世界大战不同程度地破坏和损害了欧洲各国的电影业,却促成了美国电影的勃兴。美国电影源源不断地涌入欧洲市场。到第一次世界大战结束时,已经建立起在欧洲的霸权地位。
[单项选择]The film star wears sunglasses. Therefore, he can go shopping without _________.
A. recognizing
B. being recognized
C. having recognized
D. having been recognized

B Film Descriptions Back to the Future With the help of a local inventor’s time machine, Marty travels back to the 1950s. There he inadvertently interferes with the fledgling romance of his parents-to-be. Can Marty keep them together He’ d better, or his own future will fade away. Featuring: Christopher Lloyd, Michael J. Fox.A Universal Pictures release, 1 hr. 55 min. Beethoven’ s 2nd In this sequel to the popular Beethoven, our canine hero falls for Missy, who soon has puppies.Missy’s greedy owner, Regina, who sees only money in the little purebreds, separates morn and pups from Beethoven. His owners rescue the puppies, but Regina still has Missy. Featuring:Charles Grodin, Bonnie Hunt. A Universal Pictures release, 1 hr. 26 min. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Despite the popularity of his treats, candy maker Willy Wonka shuts himself inside his factory. But then Willy holds a contest, offering five lucky children the chance to see his company. Poor but
A. Marty.
B. Missy.
C. Fletcher.
D. Charlie.

[简答题]类别 bar chart 题目 The bar chart shows the results of surveys in business people in three different years of the factors they think important for managers. 题目翻译 该柱状图描述了在三个不同的年份中,商人认为对于经理重要的因素。 要素回忆 Five factors that will make managers to be good at their jobs / rating in three years: 1984, 1994 and 2004. five factors: interpersonal skills, relevant working experience, business relations, in-service training, on-business qualifications. 对factors的评价是打分形式,最高5分。 写作指导 1)注意时态,要用过去时 2)注意趋势的描写 3)文中要进行对比 重点表达式 ……has experienced a dramatic increase in…. The number of ……..rose sharply to …….. 题目评价 难度一般 近期考试趋势 接下来几次需注意饼状图和流程图
[简答题]类别 Bar chart 题目 The bar chart describes the changes of birth rate in five countries in 1970 and 2000. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 题目翻译 该柱图描述了1970年和2000年5个国家(印度,泰国,墨西哥,西班牙,索马里)人口出生率的对比。 选取主要的特征对信息进行概括,在相关的地方进行比较。 要素回忆 1970年和2000年5个国家(印度,泰国,墨西哥,西班牙,索马里)birth rate的对比。 印度,泰国,西班牙降低2左右,墨西哥不变,索马里升高不到1。 写作指导 1. 注意时态,用过去时 2. 其中包含两条线索:一为每一个国家在不同年份人口出生率的纵向对比;二为同一年份不同国家之间出生率的横向对比。 3. 最后比较总结 重点表达式 Reach the peak, bottom out at, see / experience / witness / an upward / downward trend… There is a dramatic increase / decrease… 题目评价 难度一般 推荐练习 剑桥真题7, P78 近期考试趋势 从2012年的出题动向表明,线图和柱图在所有数据图中考察率极大。


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