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发布时间:2023-11-21 02:46:18

[简答题]Notify party

更多"Notify party"的相关试题:

[判断题]From legal point of view, the Notify Party on the bill of lading is not the party of the contract of the carriage of goods by sea.( )
[单项选择]( )party shall notify the other party of the ratification by their respective authorities.
A. Each
B. One
C. Either
D. A
[简答题] 郑州考场:party   party   思路:什么样的party   什么时候举行   有什么内容   My friend Lily will go to America for study next week, so I held a goodbye party for her. I invited so many friends of us and asked them to bring delicious food and drinks to the party. The party was taken in a teahouse where atmosphere is very sweet. Lily was in a gorgeous dress at that night. It’s a pure white dress, looked so elegant. She said, it’s her best dress, she hoped we could remember her most beautiful looking. During the dinner, we gave her our best wishes. I could see Lily’s tears and smiles both on her face. After dinner, we song our favorite song “ My flowers together. I felt that all of us smiled like flowers when we were singing that. Although Lily will leave us soon, I believe she will feel that she’s not alone.
[单项选择]In what situation should employees notify their managers
A. When they want to work overtime
B. If they have a problem with their computer
C. After they are approved for extra work
D. If they forget to bring their punch card
[填空题]The Liberal Party-was formed after the Labor Party.

[单项选择]Notify your supervisor of the days you would like to take off, ______ approval.
A. requests
B. requested
C. requesting
D. request
[单项选择]The American party system is a two-party system which is unlikely to become anything else. It is not just that the two-party polarization has the weight of tradition behind it but also that the two-party polarization is built into our constitutional and legal system. Our entire electoral arrangements, the absence of proportional representation, the exorbitant cost of political campaigns, the legal difficulties in getting on and staying on the ballot in many states-all these things work against the rise of minor parties.
Also the single member legislative district, the division of power between the nation and the states, the method of electing a president with the winner itself, work to keep power in the hands of the two major parties. Major parties (like the Federalists and the Whigs) have broken up and been replaced as new parties have emerged in the past. But no minor party has ever gradually risen to achieve the stature of a major party, and no third party has lasted very lon
A. not expensive
B. fairly expensive
C. too expensive
D. too cheap

Notify your doctor if you experience chest pain,confusion,difficult breathing,orrash while taking this medication.Under what condition which is listed below should you notify your doctor()

A. 胃痛
B. 出血
C. 神志恍惚
D. 疲倦
E. 发热
[简答题]This is to notify members that the discussion on the working plan for the net year will be put off to next Tuesday, December 15th , at 9:30 a.m., owing to the absence of certain commission members.

Notify your doctor if you have asthma,urinary bladder problems(including obstruction),low blood pressure,stomach trouble or hyper-thyroidism before taking this medication.What does"you"refer to()

A. 服药的人
B. 药剂师
C. 医生
D. 护士
E. 药品厂商
[单项选择]Please notify us of any number at which your guardian can be contacted ______ there is an emergency.
A. therefore
B. even if
C. in case
D. despite
[简答题]We wish to notify you that Mr. Robert Smart, who has been our representative in Southwest England for the past seven years has left our service and therefore no longer has authority to take orders or collect accounts on our behalf. We have appointed Mr. Fred Peterson in his place.


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