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发布时间:2024-07-27 00:04:15

[简答题]本文是一篇精彩的“视觉”采访的名作,作者通过对日本外相重光葵向美国将军麦克阿瑟签署投降书这一片刻情景的描摹,宣告了二次大战轴心国的失败。请从采访和写作两方面,仔细分析作品的特色。 答题要求:观点明确、条理清晰、文字简洁,写成600字左右的评析短文,标题自拟。 霍墨比加特采写的《日本签字投降》,原载1945年9月3号《纽约先驱论坛报》 [本报9月2日电(发电地点:东京湾美国“密苏里”号战舰上)]今天上午9时05分,日本外相重光葵在无条件投降书上签字。日本终于为它在珍珠港投下的赌注付出了代价,失去了其世界强国的地位。 重光葵步履蹒跚,拖着木质假腿走到铺着粗呢台布的桌子旁,桌上放着投降文件,等着他签字。如果人们不是对日军战俘营中的暴行记忆犹新的话,也许会不由自主地同情重光葵。 他把全身的重量都压在手杖上,好不容易才坐下来。他把手杖靠在桌子旁,然而,在他签字的时候,这手杖倒在甲板上。 道格拉斯麦克阿瑟将军致词后,作了一个手势要重光葵签字。他们两人没有说一句话。 麦克阿瑟代表对日作战的国家签字受降,乔纳森温赖特中将和珀西瓦尔中将在他两旁肃立。温赖特中将在科雷吉多尔岛失守后被俘,长时期的战俘生活,把他折磨得憔悴不堪。珀西瓦尔中将在大战中另一个不幸的日子里放弃了新加坡,向日军投降。 两位中将在场,使人们不由得想起,1942年上半年,我国处于几乎无可挽回的失败的边缘。 日本代表团由11人组成,他们衣着整洁,表情悲哀。重光葵身穿早礼服大衣和带条纹的裤子,头带丝质高帽,双手带着黄色手套。在“密苏里”号军舰上,参加整个仪式的任何一方都没有同日本人打招呼,唯一的例外是日本外相的助手,有人同他打招呼,是因为要告诉他在哪里放日本请求无条件投降的文件。 当重光葵爬到右舷梯顶端,登上“密苏里”号甲板时,脱掉了他的高帽子。


[单项选择]1662年,荷兰殖民长官( )被迫在投降书上签字,终于结束了荷兰侵略者在台湾38年的殖民统治。
A. 查理
B. 揆一
C. 爱德华
D. 彼得
A. 某报社侵犯了乙的肖像权、名誉权
B. 甲和报社应承担共同侵权责任
C. 丙可以选择甲和报社承担侵权损害责任
D. 丙可以要求报社承担精神损害赔偿
[单项选择]某报社记者甲为报道当地某女个体户乙的发家史,写了一篇精彩的报道叙述其在两年内快速致富的事迹,因为疏忽大意,在随报道配发的照片中甲将乙的助理错登为丙(乙、丙均已经结婚),并且照片中显示与乙非常亲密。消息出现在当地有影响力的一家报纸上,之后,当地人纷纷议论乙和丙有不正当关系,对此,下 列表述正确的是:
A. 某报社侵犯了乙的肖像权、名誉权
B. 甲和报社应承担共同侵权责任
C. 丙可以选择甲和报社承担侵权损害责任
D. 丙可以要求报社承担精神损害赔偿
A. 该项发明的新颖性判断,以2009年5月10日为时间标准
B. 如果与2009年5月10日以后和2009年10月10日以前的已有技术相比,该项发明缺乏突出的实质性特点和显著进步,则不能授予专利权
C. 自2009年10月10日起,在美国的申请视为撤回
D. 如果新申请的技术方案与在先申请的技术方案有实质性差别,则没有优先权
[单项选择]第一篇    Water   The second most important constituent (构成成份) of the biosphere (生物圈) is liquid water. This can only exist in a very narrow range of temperatures, since water freezes at 0℃ and boils at 100℃. Life as we know it would only be possible on the surface of a planet which had temperatures somewhere within this narrow range.   The earth’s supply of water probably remains fairly constant in quantity. The total quantity of water is not known very accurately, but it is about enough to cover the surface of the globe to a depth of about two and three-quarter kilometers. Most of it is in the form of the salt water of the oceans about 97 percent. The rest is fresh, but three quarters of this is in the form of ice at the Poles and on mountains, and cannot be used by living systems until melted. Of the remaining fractional which is somewhat less than one per cent of the whole, there is 10—20 times as much stored underground wat
A. in the center of the earth.
B. on the surface of our planet.
C. in a very narrow range of temperatures.
D. in the coastal areas of the earth.
[单项选择]第一篇    Light Night, Dark Stars   Thousands of people around the globe step outside to gaze at their night sky. On a clear night, with no clouds, moonlight, or artificial lights to block the view, people can see more than 14,000 stars in the sky, says Dennis Ward, an astronomer (天文学家) with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) in Boulder, Colo. But when people are surrounded by city lights, he says, they’re lucky to see 150 stars.   If you’ve ever driven toward a big city at night and seen its glow from a great distance, you’ve witnessed light pollution. It occurs when light from streetlights, office buildings, signs, and other sources streams into space and illuminates (照亮) the night sky. This haze (薄雾) of light makes many stars invisible to people on Earth. Even at night, big cities like New York glow from light pollution, making stargazing difficult.   Dust and particles of pollution from factories and industries worse
A. artificial lights illuminate the night sky.
B. the moon lights up the night sky.
C. too many stars are visible in the night sky.
D. streetlights are turned off.
[单项选择]中国向美国出口产品的特征为( )
A. 劳动密集型
B. 技术密集型
C. 资本密集型
D. 管理密集型
[简答题]Speaking 看一篇听一篇然后回答问题 text-> university decision : no parking of first year undergraduate student to reduce traffic problem. conversation-> The man doesn’t agree, because there are 8,500 freshmen applying for school parking. The decision won’t resolve the traffic problem. University should build new parking lots. For example, there is a empty space behind football play ground. text-> extinction of behavior(意思是行为得不到reward就会停止,最后消失) extinction, people tend to 6 repeat their behavior when rewarded and stop when ignored. lecture-> 举了个例子说明text,妈妈带小孩儿到grocery,小孩儿一看到cookie就大哭不止,妈妈怕丢人妥协买了cookie;以后小孩儿还会这样;妈妈为了让小孩儿停止这种坏习惯,在小孩儿哭得时候,ignore him, allow him crying;以后小孩儿就不这样了。


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