发布时间:2023-11-21 23:17:55

[单项选择]Text 3
One of the saddest things about the period in which we live is the growing estrangement(疏远) between America and Europe. This may be a surprising discovery to those who are over impressed by the speed with which turbojets can hop from New York to Paris. But to anyone who is aware of what America once meant to English libertarian poets and philosophers, to the young Ibsen bitterly excoriating (痛斥) European royalty for the murder of Lincoln, to Italian novelists and poets translating the nineteenth century American classics as a demonstration against Fascism, there is something particularly disquieting in the way that the European Left, historically " pro-American" because it identified America with expansive democracy, now punishes America with Europe’s lack of hope in the future.
Although America has obviously not fulfilled the visio
A. Europeans do not have the proper appreciation of the United States
B. Europeans have made a notable shift in attitude toward the United States
C. American culture has been rediscovered by Europeans
D. Europeans no longer feel that there should be an exchange of ideas with Americans

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[单项选择]Text 3
One of the saddest things about the period in which we live is the growing estrangement(疏远) between America and Europe. This may be a surprising discovery to those who are over impressed by the speed with which turbojets can hop from New York to Paris. But to anyone who is aware of what America once meant to English libertarian poets and philosophers, to the young Ibsen bitterly excoriating (痛斥) European royalty for the murder of Lincoln, to Italian novelists and poets translating the nineteenth century American classics as a demonstration against Fascism, there is something particularly disquieting in the way that the European Left, historically " pro-American" because it identified America with expansive democracy, now punishes America with Europe’s lack of hope in the future.
Although America has obviously not fulfilled the visio
A. source of enlightenment
B. leader in technological progress
C. recipient of a European heritage
D. peacemaker

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