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发布时间:2023-11-14 07:06:51

[简答题]Human friends may come and go, but a horse could be one of your most loyal, long-term friends if you treat it fight. Horses understand words better than expected, since horses can hear the human voice better than even dogs can, due to their particular range of hearing. And scientists predict that trainers could have greater success if they use more verbal commands in their horse training programs. Horses possess excellent memories, which allow horses to not only recall their human friends after a long period of separation but also to remember some complex human instructions for ten years or more. The bonds with humans are likely an extension of horse behavior in the wild, since horses value their own horse relatives and friends, and are also open to new, nonthreatening acquaintances. Horses maintain long-term bonds with several members of their family group, but they also interact temporarily with members of other groups when forming herds.

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[判断题]Our human friends sometimes may make us bored, but the friends in books may also be hurt by us.
If I wanted to, I could come up with a dozen excuses. I was fired after a long day of work. Or maybe I was hungry. The simple truth is, when I walked into the living room and my 12-year-old son looked up at me and said. "I love you," I didn’t know what to say. For several long seconds all I could do was standing there and staring down at him, waiting for the other shoe to drop. He must need help with his homework was my first thought. Or he’s going to hit me up for an advance on his allowance. Or he’s assassinated his brother—I always knew it would happen someday—and he’s trying to prepare me gently for the news. Finally I asked, "What do you want " He laughed, and started to run from the room. But I called him back. "Hey, what was that all about " I demanded. " Nothing," he said, grinning, "My health teacher said we should, tell our parents that we love them and see what they say. It’s sort of an experiment. "
The next day I called his teacher to

M: I am glad you could come. I have been looking forward to meeting you. I have heard so much about you.
W: It’s so nice to meet you. You have just moved here, haven’t you

Which of the following is right ( )
A. The man is the woman’s old friend.
B. The woman knew the man before.
C. The man knows something about the woman.
[多项选择]If My Dreams Could Come True Instantly
[简答题]{{B}}If My Dreams Could Come True Instantly{{/B}} 1.如果你可以瞬间实现三个愿望,你希望成为现实的是什么 2.试详细说明原因
[单项选择]Children’s fears come and go, but most children experience similar types of fears at approximately the same age. For toddlers, the worst fears are often associated with separation and change. Toddlers want their own mommy, daddy, .spoon, chair, and bed. They are profoundly conservative little people. The most daring toddlers feel content if they can hold onto what they already know. Yet, children’s fears are a useful index of their development. Fear of strangers appears to be a consequence of their first specific attachment, and its ending is a sign that they have acquired a more inclusive schema of faces and people in general. A child who is afraid of cats but not of rabbits evidently can differentiate one small animal from another. Fear of a particular person implies recognition of that person.
Parents can be of assistance, both in overcoming fears and in preventing their development. They can prepare a child through play, stories, and happy prognostications for dealing with new
A. An indicator or measurement of something.
B. A list or catalog of information.
C. An object used to point or indicate.
D. A relation or ratio of one quantity to another.
[单项选择]Passage 4
Children’s fears come and go, but most children experience similar types of fears at approximately the same age. For toddlers, the worst fears are often associated with separation and change. Toddlers want their own mommy, daddy, .spoon, chair, and bed. They are profoundly conservative little people. The most daring toddlers feel content if they can hold onto what they already know. Yet, children’s fears are a useful index of their development. Fear of strangers appears to be a consequence of their first specific attachment, and its ending is a sign that they have acquired a more inclusive schema of faces and people in general. A child who is afraid of cats but not of rabbits evidently can differentiate one small animal from another. Fear of a particular person implies recognition of that person. Parents can be of assistance, both in overcoming fears and in preventing their development. They can prepare a child through play, stories,
A. An indicator or measurement of something.
B. A list or catalog of information.
C. An object used to point or indicate.
D. A relation or ratio of one quantity to another.


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