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发布时间:2023-11-25 19:26:12

[填空题]The fast (develop) ______ of the local economy has caused serious water pollution in this region.

更多"The fast (develop) ______ of the lo"的相关试题:

[填空题]The fast______(develop)of the local economy has caused serious pollution in thiscounty.

[填空题]The fast______(develop) of the local economy has caused serious pollution in this county.

[单项选择]The Economy Survey subscription has increased ______ the marketing budget has been cut down.
A. although
B. because
C. despite
D. however
[单项选择]If a country wants to develop its economy successfully, there has to be a clear( )of its social needs.
A. assessment
B. assumption
C. assurance
D. appreciation
[单项选择]How many local newspapers has appeared according to the passage
[填空题] The local government has decided to spend more money on the (equip) ______ of the hospitals in the rural area.
[简答题]Today, science and technology develop very fast, and books on scientific and technological knowledge are published at a rate of almost unbelievable 60 million pages a year. Facing with such quantity of knowledge, as a modern individual, how can we deal with the "knowledge explosion" in order to catch up with the development of society Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic:
{{B}}Coping with the Knowledge Explosion{{/B}}
In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instruction may result in a loss of marks.

[填空题]The local government has set up a number of technical schools to meet the needs of __________ (迅速发展的经济) in the region.

[简答题]To develop the economy in this region, ____________(我们必须充分利用各种技术和创新).

[简答题]Although the American economy has transformed itself over the years, certain issues have persisted since the early days of the republic. One is the continuing debate over the proper role for government in what is basically a marketplace economy. An economy based on free enterprise is generally characterized by private ownership and initiative, with a relative absence of government involvement. However, government intervention has been found necessary from time to time to ensure that economic opportunities are fair and accessible to the people, to prevent flagrant abuses, to dampen inflation and to stimulate growth.
Ever since colonial times, the government has been involved, to some extent, in economic decision-making. The federal government, for example, has made huge investments in infrastructure, and it has provided social welfare programmes that the private sector was unable or unwilling to provide. In a myriad of ways and over many decades, the government has supported and
[单项选择]The economy in this region has been stagnant for a long time and no signs of recovery have ()till now.
A. shown up
B. kept up
C. picked up
D. made for
[单项选择]So firmly entrenched in the political economy has the minimum wage become that its latest increase to £5.35 ($10.08) an hour, caused little stir. Yet the introduction of a national pay floor in 1999 was one of New Labour’s most radical economic policies. Although minimum wage rates had previously covered a few industries, this was the first time that a general rate had been set.
During the 1997 election campaign the Conservatives said that the policy would destroy jobs. Some economists calculated that hundreds of thousands of people might be put out of work. These dire warnings proved way off the mark after the national minimum wage came into force seven years ago. The feared job losses did not materialise.
However, that benign acquisition had much to do with the cautious approach the government, advised by the Low Pay Commission, at first adopted. In April 1999 the main rate—for workers aged 22 or over— was set quite low, at £3.60 an hour. Eighteen months later, the rate e
A. people do not care about the minimum wage any more.
B. in the past, there were different minimum wage rates.
C. new Labor will introduce new economic policies.
D. a national pay floor is challenged by a few industries.
[填空题] The enormous growth of American economy has been 【B1】 to many factors. The size of the United States and its 【B2】 resources have been often cited as important reasons for the rapid 【B3】 of American economy. They are true to a great extent. But, then, there are other countries in the world that are 【B4】 with similar natural conditions and yet have 【B5】 developed to the same degree of economic power as the United States has. So, there must be reasons 【B6】 the size the country and the natural resources it possesses. According to the 【B7】 . argument, the remarkable achievements of the U. S. economy are primarily 【B8】 the system 【B9】 which it has been operating since the founding of the nation- American capitalism. It is true that American capitalism should be 【B10】 with the achievements of its economy, the question 【B11】 immediately comes to our mind is what are the essential 【B12】 and construct their significance in the 【B13】 of A
A. A.with


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