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发布时间:2024-07-02 07:47:39

[单项选择]第一篇 Almost Human Scientists are racing to build the world’s first thinking robot.This is not science fiction:somesay they will have made it by the year 2020 Carol Packer reports Machines that walk,speak and feel are no longer science fiction.Kismet is the name of an android(机器人)which scientists have built at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT). Kismet is different from the traditional robot because it Can show human emotions.Its eyes,ears and lips move to show when it feels happy. sad or bored.Kismet is one of the first of a new generation of androids——robots that look like human beings——which Can imitate human feelings.Cog,another android invented by the MIT, imitates the action of a mother.However, scientists admit that So far Cog has the mental ability of a two—year—old. The optimists(乐观主义者)say that by the year 2020 we will have created humanoids(机器人)with brains similar to those of all adult human being.These robots will be designed to look l
A. it thinks for itself
B. It is not like science fiction
C. it can look after two—year-old.
D. it seems to have human feelings.

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[单项选择]第一篇 Almost Human Scientists are racing to build the world’s first thinking robot.This is not science fiction:somesay they will have made it by the year 2020 Carol Packer reports Machines that walk,speak and feel are no longer science fiction.Kismet is the name of an android(机器人)which scientists have built at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT). Kismet is different from the traditional robot because it Can show human emotions.Its eyes,ears and lips move to show when it feels happy. sad or bored.Kismet is one of the first of a new generation of androids——robots that look like human beings——which Can imitate human feelings.Cog,another android invented by the MIT, imitates the action of a mother.However, scientists admit that So far Cog has the mental ability of a two—year—old. The optimists(乐观主义者)say that by the year 2020 we will have created humanoids(机器人)with brains similar to those of all adult human being.These robots will be designed to look l
A. It looks like a mother.
B. It behaves like a child.
C. It can imitate the behavior of a mother.
D. It has a huge brain.
[单项选择]第三篇 Almost Human Scientists are racing to build the world’s first thinking robot .This is not science fiction:some say they will have made it by the year 2020.Carol Packer repots. Machines that walk,speak and feel are no longer science fiction.Kismet is the name of an android(机器人)which scientists have built at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT).Kismet is different from the tradition。al robot because it can show human emotions.Its eyes.Ears and lips move to show when it feels happy.sad or bored.Kismet is one of the first of a new generation of androids—robots that 100k like human beings—which can imitate human feelings.Cog,another android invented by the MIT, imitates the action of a mother Howere, scientists admit that so far Cog has the mental ability of a two.year.old. The optimists(乐观主义者)say that by the year 2020 we will have created humanoids(机器人)with brains similar to those of an adult human being.These robots will be designed to
A. it thinks for itself.
B. it is not 1ike science fiction.
C. it Can 100k after two-year—olds.
D. it seems to have human feelings
[单项选择] 第一篇Active Gallery: The best of Bionics(仿生学) Humans might be the most highly-evolved species on the planet, but most animals possess skills we can only dream of having. Imagine how much electricity we could save if we could see in the dark the way cats do. Imagine leaping from tree to tree like a monkey. Giraffes(长颈鹿), which are otherwise calm and good-natured, sleep only 4.6 hours a day. We realized a long, long time ago that nature provides the best blueprint(蓝图)for invention. We’ve borrowed canals from beavers(河狸)and reflectors from cat’s eyes. Although the words “bionics” became popular only after the 1960s, history shows that nature has always provided ideas on solving everyday problems. Our archives(档案)don’t go back to the time of Leonardo da Vinci and his bird-like flying machines, but we can take you to the late 19th century, where we applied those same principles for building our first practical airplanes. To prepare for their f
A. they are highly-evolved species as humans.
B. humans can learn animals’ kills.
C. they are skillful in different ways.
D. animals have skills that humans do not possess.
[简答题]Almost all our major problems involve human behavior, and they cannot be solved by physical and biological technology alone. What is needed is a technology of behavior, but we have been slow to develop the science from which such a technology might be drawn. 61) One difficulty is that almost all of what is called behavioral science continues to trace behavior to states of mind, feelings, traits of character, human nature, and so on. Physics and biology once followed similar practices and advanced only when they discarded them. 62) The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find. The environment is obviously important, but its role has remained obscure. It does not push or pull, it selects, and this function is difficult to discover and analyze. 63) The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only a little more than a


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