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发布时间:2023-10-23 14:12:14

[单项选择]Passage Four
Global climate change, often seen as a process stretching over thousands of years, could in fact occur abruptly and unexpectedly-quickly pushing up temperatures by as much as 18 degrees Fahrenheit and wreaking havoc(大破坏,浩劫) on human society, scientists warned on Wednesday.
"Climate change is not always smooth. Sometimes it is abrupt," said Richard Alley, a climate expert at Pennsylvania State University and lead author of a new National Academy of Sciences report on the threat of rapid climatic shifts.
"If you have a very large, abrupt change, a lot of people and a lot of ecosystems are going to notice," he said."The bigger and faster it is, the harder it will be to deal with."
The new National Academy of Sciences report, released this week, warns that gradual global warming coupled with other human impacts on the envir
A. sudden world climate change
B. gradual global warming
C. long-term influence of climate shift
D. political havoc on human society

更多"Passage Four Global clima"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Passage Four
Global climate change, often seen as a process stretching over thousands of years, could in fact occur abruptly and unexpectedly-quickly pushing up temperatures by as much as 18 degrees Fahrenheit and wreaking havoc(大破坏,浩劫) on human society, scientists warned on Wednesday.
"Climate change is not always smooth. Sometimes it is abrupt," said Richard Alley, a climate expert at Pennsylvania State University and lead author of a new National Academy of Sciences report on the threat of rapid climatic shifts.
"If you have a very large, abrupt change, a lot of people and a lot of ecosystems are going to notice," he said."The bigger and faster it is, the harder it will be to deal with."
The new National Academy of Sciences report, released this week, warns that gradual global warming coupled with other human impacts on the envir
A. geological shifts
B. human impacts on the environment
C. natural disasters
D. long-term droughts
Passage One
Climate scientists need to swallow their mistrusts and share their data and working methods with their critics. So concludes an inquiry by British members of parliament into the "climategate" affair, in which damaging emails were copied from a computer server at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK, and published on the Internet. But, unexpectedly, the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee has placed more blame on the university than on the scientists at its Climatic Research Unit (CRU), whose emails were stolen, and the unit’s director Phil Jones.
This verdict puts the official university inquiry launched last December in a strange position. Vice-chancellor Edward Acton asked the inquiry to report on possible misdeeds at CRU. Now MPs suggest that the university itself may be at least as much to blame. The M
A. to share their information with the public
B. to take more responsibility for the affair
C. to be open to their critics about their date and approaches
D. to examine the computer server at the university of east Anglia in Norwich
Passage 1
The climate of Earth is changing. Climatologists are confident that over the past century, the global average surface temperature has increased by about half a degree Celsius. This warming is thought to be at least partly the result of human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and the clearing of forests for agriculture. As the global population grows and national economies expand, the global average temperature is expected to continue increasing by an additional 1.0℃ to 3.5℃ by the year 2100.
Climate change is one of the most important environmental issues facing human- kind. Understanding the potential impacts of climate change for natural ecosystems is essential if we are going to manage our environment to minimize the negative consequences of climate change and maximize the opportunities that it may offer. Beca
A. The burning of fuels such as coal or oil.
B. The clearing of forests.
C. The cultivation of farmland,
D. The negative consequences of human activities.
[单项选择]Passage Three
In the world of climate change, it is in the Earth’s Cold regions where trends can most easily be seen. The cryosphere, where water is found in solid form, is among the most sensitive regions to temperature change.
The sensitivity of ice and snow to temperature changes is an early indicator of even relatively small differences, says University of Colorado at Boulder senior researcher Richard Armstrong. He has found that today’s receding and thinning sea ice, mountain glacier mass losses, decreasing snow extent, melting permafrost (永久冻土), and rising sea level are all consistent with warming.
Global mean temperatures have risen one degree Fahrenheit over the past 100 years, with more than half of the increase occurring in the last 25 years, observes Armstrong who is affiliated with the National Snow and Ice Data Center headq
A. in the oceans
B. in icy and snowy regions
C. on high mountains
D. in the south hemisphere


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