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[简答题]类别 教育类 题目 Some people believe that studying in a college or university is the best way for students to prepare for their future career. Others think they should leave school as soon as possible to develop their career through work experience. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 题目翻译 有些人觉得读大学是学生找到理想工作的最佳方式;而其他人则认为学生应该尽早离开学校去工作以获得工作经验。 写作指导 本题是2007年9月1日的老题,是教育类话题“教育的功能”分支。采取“双边论证”的方法,先承认通过尽早离校工作可以适应社会,然后驳斥:找到的工作都是labour-intensive manual labour, 对于职业发展不利。下一段讲大学在促进就业上的作用:传授理论知识、实践技能、道德价值观等。 重点表达 Those opposing a higher-education experience may argue that students who left school earlier can accumulate more work experience. 题目评价 容易 推荐练习 2007年考题: Some people think that university should not provide theoretical knowledge, but to give practical training beneficial to the society. Do you agree or disagree Use your own experience and knowledge to support your idea.

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[简答题]类别 教育类 题目 Some people think watching television is bad for children in all ways. Others say it is good for children to get knowledge. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 题目翻译 有些人认为看电视对孩子只有负面的影响,另一些人认为电视可以让孩子学到知识。双边进行讨论,并给出你的观点。 写作指导 双边中立: 正文第一段支持正方观点,即电视对孩子有负面的影响。 可以从: 第一:电视占用孩子过多的时间,孩子没有充足的时间从事娱乐活动以及户外活动。 第二:电视节目会限制孩子的想象力以及创造力。 第三:看电视太多使孩子缺乏与父母的沟通和交流。 正文第二段支持反方观点,即看电视对孩子的成长有积极的影响。 可以从: 第一:电视节目可以扩大孩子的视野,增长知识。 第二:电视给教育提供了巨大的可能性。 重点表达 Television takes up too much of children’s time. Television programs restrain children’s imagination and retard their creativity. Children can broaden their scope of knowledge and widen their horizon. 题目评价 简单 推荐练习 Television is an integral part of people’s entertainment life. Some people, however, blame television bringing many social problems. Discuss this opinion and give your own opinion. 近期考试趋势 社会类、政府类、科技类话题为复习的重点。
[简答题]类别 教育类 题目 In some countries, the parents expect children to spend long time in studying both in and after school and have less free time. Do you think it has positive or negative effects on children and the society that they live in 题目翻译 在一些国家,家长希望小孩花很长时间在课内和课外学习,几乎不让他们有休闲时间。你认为这对小孩和社会有消极还是积极的影响? 写作指导 1. 注意时态,不要出现过去时(除非举过去的例子) 2. 思路: A. 改写话题,引出文章题眼:学生在课内外将更多时间用于学习,而拥有更少自由支配时间,并表明个人观点:a negative development! B. 负面影响1: 主旨句:更多时间用于学习将有害于青少年身心健康。分类论证:身-剥夺青少年课后放松和从事体育锻炼的时间,举例篮球和棒球,从而使青少年身体状况退化,大幅提高青少年患流感,肥胖症,心脏病的几率,最终有损于他们的学习。心-不管青少年的学习意愿而大量增加学习时间,青少年产生负面甚至仇恨情绪,如果没有适当处理,可能会导致青少年犯罪率上升。 C. 负面影响2: 主旨句:强迫青少年更长时间学习与现代教育观念相违背。论证:现代教育注重专业理论和实践能力的结合,举例,学生在课后自行设计实验来验证在物理或化学课堂上学习到的知识。如果家长只要求学生延长学习时间,会剥夺青少年实践的机会,没有机会去设计实验,去艺术馆欣赏课堂上学习的画作或音乐,去阅读语言课上所设计的文学作品。这是不平衡的学习,与现代教育理念违背。 D. 先引出反向观点再反驳。反向观点:一些人认为增加学习时间可以提高学习表现从而获得更多教育资源。反驳:盲目增加时间,不顾青少年学习能力和学习意愿,会破坏学习热情,降低效率,使学生厌恶学习,最终影响其学习表现。 E. 总结全文。点明学习时间的设置应考虑青少年的学习意愿和学习能力,盲目增加学习时间有负面影响。 重点表达 Exert negative impact on, be detrimental to, play
[简答题]类别 犯罪类 题目 Some people think lawbreakers should be sent to prison, while others think there are some alternatives (e.g. make them do work which also benefits for the local community) for those crimes are minor. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 题目翻译 有些人觉得所有的犯罪者应该被送进监狱,有些人觉得那些较轻情节的罪犯可以用别的方法来处罚,例如强制为社区工作。 写作指导 第一段:阐述主题 第二段:中心句——犯罪者应该被送去监狱 分论点:1、让犯罪者充分认识到自己的错误 2、避免对社会造成更坏的影响 第三段:中心句——对于犯罪较轻的罪犯,可以采取其他的教育方式。 分论点:1、让其通过体力劳动弥补他们的过失 2、给予一些思想和工作上的培训和指导 第四段:总结——根据犯罪者的犯罪情节的不同程度,采取不同的惩罚手段。目的在于,使人们认识到触犯法律的严重性及带给人们的伤害程度。 重点表达 Criminals; compensate for; be threatened by; provide opportunities of learning and training for the criminals; realized their mistakes; physical work; 题目评价 旧题,难度中等 推荐练习 Putting criminals into prisons is not an effective way to deal with them. Instead, education and job training should be offered. To what extent do you agree or disagree
[简答题]类别 抽象类 题目 Some people prefer planning for the future while others argue that we should focus on the present. What is your opinion Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. 题目翻译 有人喜欢花时间计划未来,然而另一些人觉得关注现在更重要,你的观点是什么? 说出你的道理,并从个人的知识和经验中,举出例子来证明。 写作指导 1)注意时态,不要出现过去时(除非举过去的例子) 2)两种思路: 1. 单纯描写现在更重要(单边倒) a.开场交代论题,说明现在的重要性 b.未来建立在现在的基础上 c.未来是瞬息万变的 d.总结,重申论点 2. 正反两面皆涉及,可偏一边。 a.开场交代论题 b.着眼现在很重要,如果不着眼现在,只计划将来,未来计划很难实现。举例论证 c.但计划未来也很重要,有时重要性甚至超过着眼现在,举例 d.总结全文 重点表达 Without being...., unpredictable future, keep in step with, merely, practically, logic, facing the reality …far outweigh…, Only by doing … can … be solved 题目评价 旧题,难度一般 推荐练习 2008.02.16作文:“Tomorrow is the most important thing in life.” - US movie actor & director John Wayne. Why is it important for individuals and countries to think about the future rather than focusing on the present (08.02.16) 近期考试趋势 近三个月考到的话题为社会类,媒体类,教育类,工作生活类,政府类。
[简答题]话题类别 教育类 考题文字: Some people think that the main purpose of school is to turn children as good citizens and workers, rather to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree
[简答题]类别 教育类 题目 Universities and colleges are now offering qualifications through distance learning from the Internet rather than teachers in the classroom. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages 题目翻译 现在很多大学通过远程教育而不是传统的教室教学提供学历进修。这个现象的好处是否大于坏处? 写作指导 好处: 1. 时间上更加灵活,非常适合一些群体,比如说工作人士等; 2. 给了学生们更多的选择,不需要出国便可以就读全球任何一所优秀大学,省钱。 坏处: 1. 缺乏老师的面对面讲解和辅导 重点表达 Distance education deprives students of interactive experience such as face-to-face tutoring that is inherent in traditional classroom learning. 题目评价 难度简单 推荐练习 Some people believe that computer and Internet can help students to learn better. Others think that it will have negative influence on students’ psychological and physical development. Discuss both views and give your personal opinion. 近期考试趋势 社会类、政府类、教育类、环境类话题为复习的重点。
[简答题]类别 媒体类 题目 Some people spend more time reading books, while others prefer to watch TV. People of the former group are more likely to develop creative imaginations and have a much better grasp of language skills. Do you agree or disagree 题目翻译 有些人花更多的时间读书,而另一些人则更喜欢看电视。花更多时间读书的人比看电视的人,想象力更丰富,语言技能掌握的更好。你同意与否? 写作指导 1. 注意此题中的比较是有限定的,针对于对培养想象力和语言技能上的好处,绝对不可以宽泛地讨论其中一方的好处,而不顾这两个限制,否则被判做偏题失分。 2. 因为是比较类考题,所以更建议倾向一边的答案,即实际挑出一个更好的,如book, 之后进行对比分析。 3. 可以采用让步的模式开展这篇文章,因为双方都存在一定的优势,如此一来可以增加字数并且使文章更有说服力。 4. 理由:承认电视中的声音及视频为语言的学习和掌握提供了很好的模仿素材,但是更多的故事情节和演员等会令人分心,而不是专心于语言的学习和想象力的培养。 相反的,看书就必须要读者的想象力才能与作者有所交流,真正理解并且印象深刻;而且书本中的文字与表达也方便读者学习和模仿,从基础的语法学起,扎实地掌握一门语言等。 重点表达 While watching TV, people are more possibly to be distracted by the exciting scenes or beautiful actress, rather than concentrate fully on the language skills like pronunciations and grammars. 题目评价 难度一般 推荐练习 TV is an essential part of leisure activities in most families. However, some parents decide not to have a TV set in t
[简答题]类别 教育类 题目 Nowadays, not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries. What are the reasons for this problem What are the effects on the society 题目翻译 现在很多国家,不是很多大学生会选择科学这个课程。这是为什么?这会带来什么影响? 写作指导 1)思路:1. 原因 a. 个人兴趣爱好 b. 很多孩子数学不好 c. 职场特征,读商容易赚钱 2. 影响 a. 抑制科学创新和进步 b. 导致就业市场上学商的学生过多 重点表达 Personal interest; future career; curb scientific innovation and advancement; incentive; well-rounded students; concern 题目评价 新题,难度一般 推荐练习 2011.07.28作文:Nowadays, fewer students choose science in university. What is your opinion 近期考试趋势 需关注媒体类,科技类和政府类话题
[简答题]话题类别 教育类 考题文字: Somebody think that some subjects such as math and philosophy are difficult to some students, so people should take it as selective not compulsory. Do you agree or disagree
[填空题]Exposure to all media is important and people sometimes tend to use more media if______.
[简答题]话题类别 社会类 考题文字: Some people believe governments should spend money in saving languages of few speakers from dying out completely. Others think this is a waste of financial resources. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
[简答题]话题类别 政府类 考题文字: Some people think that government should establish free libraries in each town. While others believe that it is a waste of money since people can obtain information from the internet at home. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
[简答题]话题类别 社会类 考题文字: Some people think government should invest more money in teaching science than other subjects in order for a country to develop and progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree
[简答题]话题类别 生活类 考题文字: Some people think that dangerous sports should be banned, but others think the people should have freedom to choose sports activities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
[简答题]话题类别 社会类 考题文字: Some people think developing countries should invite large foreign companies to open offices and factories to grow their economies. Others think developing countries should keep the large companies out and develop local companies instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
[简答题]话题类别 社会类 考题文字: Some people argue that job satisfaction is more important than job security. Other people think one should hold a permanent job. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
[简答题]议论文 话题类别: 社会类 考题文字: Some people believe that people who work for arts, such as painting, theatre or music should be supported financially by the government. Some people believe that they should find other financial support resources instead. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
[简答题]议论文 话题类别: 科技类 考题文字: Some people think that robots are very important for humans’ future development. Others, however, think that robots are a dangerous invention that could have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
[简答题]议论文 话题类别: 社会类 考题文字: Some people think that women should play an equal role as men in military force or police force, others say women are not suited for such kind of work. Discuss both side and give your own opinion.


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