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发布时间:2023-10-18 04:54:28

[单项选择]Why does the professor talk about locks and keys ?()
A. To show that enzymes are very effective.
B. To point out that enzymes can sometimes fail to work.
C. To explain what enzymes are made of.
D. To describe different types of enzymes.

更多"Why does the professor talk about l"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What did the professor want to talk to Ann about
A. A vacation trip to Yellow Stone Park.
B. A lecture by a visiting professor.
C. Her biology thesis.
D. A research project.
[单项选择]What does the professor say about ancient Greeks who traveled south
A. They noticed an apparent change in the position of the North Star.
B. They observed eclipses at different times of the year.
C. They were the first to estimate the distance between heavenly bodies.
D. They wanted to prove that the Earth was flat.
[单项选择]What point does the professor make about an enzyme when it is involved in a biochemical reaction ?()
A. It divides into Two different parts.
B. It keeps the same chemical structure.
C. It becomes part of a new chemical compound.
D. It produces more of the enzyme.
[单项选择]What does Professor Pornchai say about the future of is coffee paintings
A. He will experiment with new mediums other than coffee.
B. He will try to combine coffee with other mediums.
C. He will further explore coffee as a painting medium.
D. There will be less market for his paintings in the near future.
{$mediaurl}What does the professor imply about Roman laws
A. They were designed to benefit the largest number of people.
B. Only the poor were punished when they broke any of them.
C. They changed each time another country was conquered.
D. It was the job of the military to make sure they were followe
[单项选择]Why does the man talk to the woman
[单项选择]Why does the woman talk to the professor
A. Because she wants to apply to graduate school.
B. Because she wants him to give her a good grade.
C. Because she wants to take an advanced course.
[单项选择]Why does the speaker make this talk
A. It’s the first lesson.
B. There’s no workbook.
C. Instructions are not given.

How does Professor Taylor feel about visitors at his lectures
A. They bore him.
B. They make him angry.
C. They make him feel good,
D. They make no impact on him.
[单项选择]What does the woman say about Professor Gilers A. He is not cooperative. B. He will be in his office at afternoon. C. He already brought in extra copies of the articles.
[单项选择]What does the woman think about Professor Conrad’s class
A. She thinks his lectures are boring.
B. She thinks his tests are too long.
C. She doesn’t like his choice of test questions.
D. She doesn’t think he prepares well enough.
[简答题]According to the talk, why was the US business person not successful in the business deal in Japan
[单项选择]Why does the man need to talk to the woman about the class
A. He didn’t understand the lecture.
B. He wants to borrow her notes next week.
C. He needs help with a makeup exam.
D. He was sick and unable to attend.


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