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发布时间:2024-09-19 03:45:45

[单项选择]    The first birds appeared during late Jurassic times. These birds are known from    four very good skeletons, two incomplete skeletons, and an isolated feather, all from    the Solnhofen limestone of Bavaria, Germany. This fine-grained rock, which is    extensively quarried for lithographic stone, was evidently deposited in a shallow (5) coral lagoon of a tropical sea, and flying vertebrates occasionally fell into the water    and were buried by the fine limy mud, to be preserved with remarkable detail In this    way, the late Jurassic bird skeletons, which have been named Archaeopteryx, were    fossilized. And not only were the bones preserved in these skeletons, but so also    were imprints of the feathers. If the indications of feathers had not been preserved in (10) association with Archaeopteryx, it is likely that these fossils would have been    classified among the dinosaurs, for they show numerous theropod characteristics.    Archaeopteryx were animals about t
A. comfortable
B. combined
C. consistent
D. complementary

更多"    The first birds appeared dur"的相关试题:

[单项选择]    The first birds appeared during late Jurassic times. These birds are known from    four very good skeletons, two incomplete skeletons, and an isolated feather, all from    the Solnhofen limestone of Bavaria, Germany. This fine-grained rock, which is    extensively quarried for lithographic stone, was evidently deposited in a shallow (5) coral lagoon of a tropical sea, and flying vertebrates occasionally fell into the water    and were buried by the fine limy mud, to be preserved with remarkable detail In this    way, the late Jurassic bird skeletons, which have been named Archaeopteryx, were    fossilized. And not only were the bones preserved in these skeletons, but so also    were imprints of the feathers. If the indications of feathers had not been preserved in (10) association with Archaeopteryx, it is likely that these fossils would have been    classified among the dinosaurs, for they show numerous theropod characteristics.    Archaeopteryx were animals about t
A. imprints of bones
B. imprints of feathers
C. the neck structure
D. skeletons
[简答题]He came too late, so he did not see the first part of the play. ( simple sentence)
[简答题]Part 1Birds Do you like birds What kinds of birds are there where you live Are there many birds around your neighborhood In your country, do birds have special meaning Do you think we should protect birds
[简答题] first
[填空题]Birds, flowers, mammals.
[简答题]frog因为人类失去habitat Birds
[简答题]You are late for class again. Youmustnt be late next time.
[单项选择]You are always late. You()late three times this week.
A. are being
B. were
C. had been
D. have been
[单项选择]You're always late. You ( ) late three times this week.
A. are being
B. were
C. had been
D. have been
[简答题]介绍midden early settlers ate huge birds

Why was Dilys late
A. She got up late than usual.
B. The bus was late.
C. She forgot she had classes.
[单项选择]The linear flight formations of migratory birds are called echelons. The V and the J structures are typical and are the most readily recognized flock echelons, but other variations also occur. Studies of several species have shown that a true V-shaped echelon is, in fact, less common than a J formation is.
There are two well-supported and complementary explanations for why birds fly in formation. One is to conserve energy by taking advantage of the upward vortex fields created by the wings of the birds in front. The other is to facilitate orientation and communication among the birds. These explanations are not mutually exclusive, and both have been backed by a variety of studies. The relative importance of each undoubtedly shifts as various factors, such as the season of the year or the purpose of individual flights, change. During local feeding flights, for example, energy conservation is probably much less important than careful orientation and collision avoidance are. During l
A. It can help optimize orientation.
B. Birds can better avoid collision.
C. The reason is still unclear.
D. Birds can’t determine one leader.


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